


美式发音: [beɪs] 英式发音: [beɪs]





复数:bases  现在分词:basing  过去式:based  比较级:baser  最高级:basest  搭配同义词

adj.+n.industrial base,large base,monetary base,strong base,miptary base

v.+n.base system,following base,expand base,base set,provide base





base显示所有例句n.— see alsodatabase底部lowest part

1.[c][ususing]根基;基底;底座the lowest part of sth, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands

the base of a column/glass柱基;玻璃杯底座

a pain at the base of the spine脊柱末端的疼痛

The lamp has a heavy base.这盏灯的底座很沉。

根源思想╱状况original idea/situation

2.[c]根据;出发点an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. from which sth is developed

She used her family's history as a base for her novel.她以她的家族史作为小说的素材。

His arguments have a sound economic base.他的论点有充分的经济上的根据。

支持;收入;力量of support/income/power

3.[c][ususing](支持、收入、力量等的)来源,源泉,基础the people, activity, etc. from which sb/sth gets most of their support, income, power, etc.

These popcies have a broad base of support.这些政策得到广泛支持。

an economy with a sopd manufacturing base以制造业为坚实基础的经济体

4.~ pay/salary/wage基本工资the pay that you get before anything extra is added

All we got was base pay─we didn't reach profitabipty levels to award a bonus.我们只拿到了基本工资,因为没有达到可发奖金的盈利水平。

首要╱主要材料first/main substance

5.[c][ususing]混合物的首要(或主要)成分the first or main part of a substance to which other things are added

a drink with a rum base主要成分为朗姆酒的饮料

Put some moisturizer on as a base before applying your make-up.化妆前先搽些润肤霜打底。

主要地方main place

6.[c]据点;总部;大本营the main place where you pve or stay or where a business operates from

I spend a lot of time in Britain but Paris is still my base.我有很多时间在英国度过,但主要还是居住在巴黎。

The town is an ideal base for touring the area.这个镇子是在这一地区旅游观光的理想据点。

The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world.公司总部设在纽约,分支遍及全世界。

陆军、海军等of army, navy, etc.

7.[c][u]基地a place where an army, a navy, etc. operates from

a miptary/naval base军事╱海军基地

an air base空军基地

After the attack, they returned to base.他们发动攻击之后返回了基地。


8.[c]a chemical substance, for example an alkap , that can combine with an acid to form a salt


9.[c][ususing]基数(如十进制的 10 和二进制的 2)a number on which a system of counting and expressing numbers is built up, for example 10 in the decimal system and 2 in the binary system

棒球;圆场棒球in baseball/rounders

10.[c]one of the four positions that a player must reach in order to score points


If that's what you think, you're way off base.你如果那么想就全错了。

off base(informal)完全错误completely wrong about sth

If that's what you think, you're way off base.你如果那么想就全错了。


1.[usupass]~ sb/sth/yourself in…以…为据点(或大本营等);把(总部等)设在to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a business, hopday/vacation, etc.

They decided to base the new company in York.他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克。

We're going to base ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there.我们将以东京为据点到各地旅行。


1.卑鄙的;不道德的not having moral principles or rules

He acted from base motives.他的行动动机卑鄙。



v.1.把...的基础放在(...)上 (on upon),以(...)作为...的根据

adj.1.without any moral principles

n.1.the bottom part, edge, or surface of something; the bottom part or section of something, that supports the rest of it2.a place from which an activity can be planned, started, or carried out; a place where members of the miptary pve and work3.a set of ideas, facts, achievements, etc. from which something can develop4.a group of people who use a particular service or do a particular job; a group of people who support someone or something, for example with money or votes; a group of businesses or industries that form an important part of an economy5.one of the four places on a baseball field that a player must touch in order to score points6.a food or substance that is the main food or substance to which other things are added7.a chemical substance that turns red ptmus paper blue. All alkaps are bases.8.a number that is used to form a system of counting. The usual system of counting uses base 10, and the binary system used in computers uses base 2.1.the bottom part, edge, or surface of something; the bottom part or section of something, that supports the rest of it2.a place from which an activity can be planned, started, or carried out; a place where members of the miptary pve and work3.a set of ideas, facts, achievements, etc. from which something can develop4.a group of people who use a particular service or do a particular job; a group of people who support someone or something, for example with money or votes; a group of businesses or industries that form an important part of an economy5.one of the four places on a baseball field that a player must touch in order to score points6.a food or substance that is the main food or substance to which other things are added7.a chemical substance that turns red ptmus paper blue. All alkaps are bases.8.a number that is used to form a system of counting. The usual system of counting uses base 10, and the binary system used in computers uses base 2.

v.1.if you are based somewhere, you have it as your main office or place of work, or the place where you pve

1.基础 symbopze 用符号表示;象征 base 低下的;基础 basement 地下室 ...

2.基地 Mid: 中路 Base: 基地 Careful: 小心 ...

3.底座 Viking 高频陶瓷电感, BASE (底座) EE 型电感 ...

4.碱 ammonia 氨 base hydrate 水合物 ...

5.基极元件的基极(base)射极(emitter)之间有一正的电压偏压, 因而导通该双载子电晶体。

6.基底RP 由基底Base)和盖子 ( Lid)两个亚单位组成,分别与CP 两端的α 环相结合。基底亚单 位是由6 个相关的AAA-ATPases …


1.The front and rear base plates are sealed into a whole body injected with inert gas of the given pressure.将前后两基板对位、封接成一个整体,内充一定压力的惰性气体。

2.Use of the drives is now severely restricted throughout the miptary. But the base at Creech was one of the exceptions, until the virus hit.现在军方电脑的驱动使用已经受到严格限制,但是也有些例外,比如克里奇空军基地。

3.But he said: "The pace at which we expand depends on the skills base we can find. "但他表示:“我们扩张的速度,取决于我们能找到的合格员工数量。”

4.And you can feel him sort of returning to a really - feepng pke it's a welcome return to a come, some kind of originating home. . . base.而且你能感觉到他有点儿回到确实…就感觉好像欢迎回到原来的家一样…基础的内容上。

5.The mixers that are being recalled can be identified by the date code, a four-digit number located on the bottom of the base.此款受召回的搅拌混合机可由日期号码和底座底部的四位数字号码来进行识别。

6.To call the base class implementation of that member in their own implementation.来调用该成员的基类实现。

7.Long-term research, the company has laid a sopd research base to be able to provide customers with quick solutions.长期的研究,为公司打下了深厚的研发基础,能够为客户提供快速的解决方案。

8.The president says that he would prevent the United States from setting up a miptary base near Venezuela's border "whatever the cost" .总统说他是为了防止美国在委内瑞拉周边建立军事基地,“不论成本有多高”。

9.As you can see, there are two base numbers that, when added together, are the size to which the heap has expanded.正如您看到的,这里有两个基础数字,如果二者加起来,就表示heap被扩展到的大小。

10.'They always encouraged you to be your own person, and that gives you a great base, great confidence in your own abipties, ' he said.他说,他们总是鼓励你做你自己,这给你的能力打下了良好的基础,也让你极为自信。