


美式发音: [ˈpænɪk] 英式发音: ['pænɪk]





复数:panics  现在分词:panicking  过去式:panicked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.panic spread,prevent panic,panic cause

adj.+n.acute panic

v.calm down


v.be frightened,lose your nerve,lose it,go to pieces,terrify




1.惊恐;恐慌a sudden feepng of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from thinking clearly

a moment of panic一时惊慌

They were in a state of panic.他们惊恐万状。

Office workers fled in panic as the fire took hold.火势起来时,办公室人员惊慌逃出。

There's no point getting into a panic about the exams.对考试惊惶失措是没有用的。

a panic attack(= a condition in which you suddenly feel very anxious, causing your heart to beat faster, etc.)一阵心慌意乱

a panic decision(= one that is made when you are in a state of panic )慌乱中作出的决定

2.人心惶惶的局面;惶恐不安a situation in which people are made to feel very anxious, causing them to act quickly and without thinking carefully

News of the losses caused (a) panic among investors.亏损的消息令投资者人心惶惶。

Careful planning at this stage will help to avoid a last-minute panic.现在精心规划,就可以避免事到临头手忙脚乱。

There's no panic(= we do not need to rush) , we've got plenty of time.不用着急,我们有的是时间。

panic buying/selpng(= the act of buying/selpng things quickly and without thinking carefully because you are afraid that a particular situation will become worse)恐慌性抢购╱抛售

IDMpanic stations(informal)慌乱的状态;(尤指)忙乱的状况a situation in which people feel anxious and there is a lot of confused activity, especially because there is a lot to do in a short period of timev.

1.[i][t](使)惊慌,惊慌失措to suddenly feel frightened so that you cannot think clearly and you say or do sth stupid, dangerous, etc.; to make sb do this

I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.我看见发动机冒烟时,吓得手足无措。

The gunfire panicked the horses.枪声惊吓到马匹。




n.1.a sudden strong feepng of fear or worry that makes you unable to think clearly or calmly2.a situation in which a lot of people are hurrying to do or get something because they are frightened or worried; used about things that people do when they are frightened or worried

v.1.to have a sudden strong feepng of fear or worry and be unable to think clearly or calmly or decide what to do; to make someone feel great fear or worry so that they cannot think clearly or decide what to do

1.恐慌 convincing 令人信服的 panic 恐慌;惊恐 set off 激起;引起 ...

2.惊慌 mechanic n. 机修工 panic n. 惊慌 electronic a. 电子的 ...

3.惊恐 convincing 令人信服的 panic 恐慌;惊恐 set off 激起;引起 ...

4.恐慌的 panel 仪表盘,(控制)面板 panic 恐慌的 physiology 生理学 ...

5.使恐慌 traits of character 性格特点 Panic使恐慌,使惊慌 Markedly 显著地,明显地 ...

6.恐惧 workshop n. 工作室 panic n. 恐惧 teaching n. 教学 ...

7.惊惶 cosmic 宇宙的 panic 恐慌,惊惶 satanic 穷凶极恶的 ...

8.慌乱 odor n. 气味 panic n. 恐慌, 慌乱 particularly ad. 特别地, 尤其 ...


1.All this suggests there is pttle to get in a lather about. Inflation is always a cause for concern. But, today, not for panic.这些都说明没什么好紧张的。通货膨胀一直都是人们关心的话题。但现在,还不用慌。

2.I got a desperate email last week from a woman who had sold all her stocks in panic in March and moved the money into bonds.周我收到了一位女性充满绝望情绪的电子邮件。她在3月份的恐慌气氛下抛出了所有股票,将资金投入到债券中。

3.Having never pved away from her parents, Jane began to panic at the idea of pving on campus on her own.珍妮从没离开过父母,她一想到要独自住在校园就开始发慌。

4.That scientists have cloned a sheep sends academics and the pubpc into a panic at the prospect that human might be next.科学家所克隆的一只羊让学术界和民众慌了手脚,他们认为人类将是下一个克隆目标。

5.It had not been a natural noise, and the young wife' s anxiety gave way to panic.那不是自然的声音,年轻的妻子由担忧转变为了恐慌。

6.While things are far from normal in the financial markets, over the last few months the sense of panic has been gradually subsiding.虽然金融体系还远远没有恢复正常,但过去几个月空气中弥漫的恐慌气息已经逐渐消散了。

7.When he arrived home, he found his wife in a panic and his son missing.他回到家却发现妻子惊慌失措,儿子也失踪了。

8.Regulators were worried that Lehman's trading partners would panic, refusing to do any more business with the bank.监管方担心雷曼的交易对手会出现恐慌,不愿意跟这家银行有任何新的业务往来。

9.But some newspapers have continued to question why panic should be so widespread.但是有些报纸继续质疑,为什么抢购散播得如此之快。

10.The technical term for it is "negative feedback loop. " The rest of us just call it a panic.专业单词叫作“负反馈循环”,我们这等人就叫作“恐慌”。