




1.巴苏医生 ... sumairu,1= 微笑 basu,1= 巴士 chan,2= 蝉 ...

3.巴斯社me)、控溪社(Dunan)、李埔社(Ribu)、巴斯社(Basu)、乌荖社(Urao)、泰雅侯社(Taiyaf) 、可里伊社(Kole)和司马库斯社(Suma…

4.公车 ... 我们有蓝色的车 aiza inam madahdung tu pautpaut 公车 basu 车开往哪里 namina isabas…


1.As nearly half a century passed, Chinese repaid him in a similar way: Basu was invited to get treatment in Beijing.将近半个世纪过去了,中国以相同的方式回报他:中国政府邀请巴苏来北京治病。

2.Only a few kilometers out of Basu, a dip in the road seemingly as deep as the Tiger Leaping Gorge suddenly appears.开出八宿才几公里,路面就骤然下降,似乎有虎跳峡那样深。

3.Ferrera, Basu and I jammed into M. 's one-room shack to beg her parents to let her stay in school in Kolkata.于是,费雷拉、巴苏与我走进M姑娘父母居住的狭窄小屋,央求他们让女儿继续留在加尔各答的学校里。

4.That might have allowed Mr Basu and the left a vital role in national poptics.96年的那次竞选本来可以让巴苏和左翼政党有机会在全国性的政治上起到至关重要的作用。

5.Basu's future projects include a romantic movie with Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra and a biopic on Kishore Kumar.巴苏的未来计划包括一项与兰比尔卡普尔和普里乔普拉和一个浪漫的基肖尔马布库马尔传记电影。

6.But Mr Basu makes clear that paying an official to bend the rules in one's favour should continue to be illegal.但巴苏先生澄清说,付钱给官员以此根据个人要求放宽规定的做法,应继续认定为违法行为。

7.The old students of Calcutta University had then started an annual reunion, of which Babu Chandranath Basu was the leading spirit.那时加尔各答大学的老同学举行每年一度的聚会,钱德拉纳特先生是年会的领导人物。

8.Mr Basu was then deep in organising the railway workers, planning strikes and organising safe-houses for communist comrades.那是1946年,巴苏当时正在埋头组织铁路工人罢工,为共产主义同志建立安全隐蔽之所。

9.Except for one day, and that was the section from Basu to Changdu.但有一天除外,那就是从八宿到昌都的路。

10.In the year of 1938, Indian Doctor B. K. Basu came to Northern China and travelled around to save pves for nearly five years.1938年,印度医生B.K巴苏曾前往中国北部地区,东奔西走,救死扶伤,历时将近五年。