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1.贝茨 USA Shot Show 美国射击展览 BATES 军靴 Danner 鞋靴 ...

6.贝茨国家实验室佛森国家实验室( Jefferson Lab )和贝茨国家实验室Bates )等多个国际合作实验。

7.达彼思广告媒体(Carat) 20 互通国际广告公司 21 达彼思广告公司(BATES) 22 观唐广告公司 23 百帝广告公司(Batey) 24 中航文化股份有 …


1.The Bates Motel was the place in the movie Psycho in which a mentally disturbed man brutally kills a guest while she's taking a shower.贝茨汽车旅馆是电影《精神病患者》当中的一个场景,一个精神紊乱的男人在那个地方残忍的杀害了一个正在洗浴的女性客人。

2.Miss Bates, let Emma help you to a pttle bit of tart - a very pttle bit.贝茨小姐,让爱玛给你捡一小块果馅饼——很小一块。

3.Pubpc opinion still seems to be behind Gilbert Bates at this time, though, much to Mr. Appleby's consternation.公众舆论目前似乎仍倾向贝茨先生一边,但埃珀拜先生披露的内幕无疑是令人震惊的。

4.My good master Bates dying in two years after, and I having few friends, my business began to fail.两年以后贝茨恩师不幸逝世,我没有什么朋友,所以生意渐渐萧条。

5.The Dodger said nothing more but led Charley Bates into the house and up the stairs. When Fagin saw the m enter, he rose to his feet.神偷没再说什么,领着查理·贝茨进了屋,上了楼。费金见他们回来了,就站了起来。

6.Ms. Bates, for example, might be clearer-headed if she went for a run outside, away from her devices, research suggests.比如,研究表明,如果贝茨女士能远离她的那些电子设备,在室外进行跑步的话,就可以令头脑更加清醒。

7.Master Bates backed this advice with sundry moral admonitions of his own: which, being exhausted, he and his friend Mr.贝兹少爷把自己在道德方面的种种信条都搬了出来,全力支持这一提议。

8.Jane Fairfax was an orphan, the only child of Mrs. Bates's youngest daughter.简·费尔法克斯是个孤儿,贝茨太太小女儿的独生女。

9.In fact, half my days seem to be spent in taking personal cogni-sance of Louis Bates.其实,我花了将近一半时间来亲自观察路易斯·贝茨。

10.Digby, Robert Wintour, Bates and Grant were executed on 30 January, with Thomas Wintour, Rookwood, Keyes and Fawkes dying the next day.迪格比,罗伯特.温特,贝茨,格兰特于1月30日被处决,托马斯.温特,卢克伍德,凯斯与次日执行死刑。