


美式发音: 英式发音: ['wɔːkrɑːft]





1.魔兽争霸 League of Legends[ 英雄联盟] WarCraft[ 魔兽争霸-系列] StarCraft[ 星际争霸-系列] ...

3.军舰 n. 战略, 战术, 兵法 warcraft 军舰 WARCRAFT 魔兽争霸,一个著名游戏的名称 ...

4.魔兽系列 of 关于 Warcraft 军舰 军用飞机 人类[ Human] ...


1.The system is set up to mimic that of an MMORPG, with a similar feel as Runecast or World of Warcraft.该系统的构成承袭了多人在线角色扮演的游戏,和Runecast及魔兽世界的感觉相类似。

2.The brother of the guy making this video just had his World of Warcraft account cancelled by his mother.制作这视频的家伙的哥哥的魔兽世界账号刚刚被他妈妈给注销了。

3.About 30 minutes later I get out of bed and find him in the computer room play World of Warcraft.30分钟以后,我下了床发现他在电脑室打魔兽。

4.In either case, World of Warcraft has no "crafting failures" that cause you to waste raw materials, thus leaving you empty-handed.无论如何,魔兽世界里没有“制作失败”这个设定来让你浪费了原材料而两手空空。

5.And then you find yourself thinking, "Aw, if only I could just put a pttle bit of WarCraft in. . . "而当你发现自己在思考时,“哇哦,假如我放入一些魔兽的元素在(SC2)…”

6.She said: "He was addicted to World of Warcraft but played other games now and then. "她说:“他对魔兽世界非常上瘾,有时也玩别的游戏。他越来越上瘾,最后我终于受不了了。”

7."It is similar to (World of) Warcraft, but the game adds more Chinese elements into it so I feel more connected to it, " he said.“这个游戏与《魔兽》很相似,但加入了更多的中国元素,让我感觉比较亲近。”他说。

8.This individual came from a family that was unfortunately breaking up, and World of Warcraft was his way to escape that.他来自于一个不幸破裂的家庭,魔兽世界便成为他逃离现实的途径。

9.I beat a Russian player in Warcraft III, and he repays me in kind by flaming me for a good 10 minutes until I decide to move on.我打败了一个俄国魔兽选手,他以同样的手段回敬我:胡扯了我好一个10分钟直到我决定继续前进。

10.Do not try to put every element of warcraft III objects to this world.不要试图把每一个魔兽争霸III对象元素这个世界。