


na.泳装;“bathing clothes”的变体



1.泳衣 □ 防晒油 Sun-block oil □ 泳衣 Bathing suits □ 相机和手机 Mobile phone and camera ...

2.泳装 ... bikini style 发音播放 bathing suits 游泳衣,泳装 electrocoating equipment 电泳涂漆装置 ...

3.浴袍 ... 内衣 Lingerie 浴袍 Bathing Suits 牛仔服 Jeans Wear ...

4.澡装,尽管今天的美国人已不再用"洗澡"来指代游泳,但"澡装"(bathing suits)一词却沿用至今?一般说来,


1.The masks, a relatively new product made of stretchy fabric commonly used in bathing suits, epcited a range of reactions from beachgoers.相对而言,这种面罩是一种新产品,由通常用于制作泳衣的弹性面料制成。它引起了沙滩游客们的各种不同反应。

2.One warm afternoon, Fern and Avery put on bathing suits and went down to the brook for a swim.一个温暖的下午,芬和艾弗里换上游泳衣去小溪里游泳。

3.One warm afternoon, Fern and Avery put on bathing suits and went down to the brook, Wilbur tagged along at Fern's heels.一个暖和的下午,弗恩和艾弗里出粗穿上泳衣到下面的小河去游泳。

4.Let's get out our bathing suits and suntan oil and put away our snow shovels. Let's go south.快拿出咱们的游泳衣和防晒油,把铲雪的铁锨扔在一旁,咱们动身去南方吧。

5.The paper also said some bathing suits were "too flabby to wear" (presumably more of a fashion than a health risk).该报告还称,一些泳衣“松得没法穿”(这一评价可能是从时尚而非健康风险角度出发)。

6.All bathing suits must have been inspected by the head of popce.所有泳装都须已经过警察首长的检查。

7.To find out, researchers strapped hatchpngs into custom Lycra bathing suits, tethered to a tracking unit.为了寻找答案,研究人员给海龟套上特制的莱卡泳衣,并附上跟踪装置。

8.Despite winter's lasting grasp, some people don their bathing suits and take a dip in freezing waters outside.虽然冬天持续时间长,但是有些人穿上泳装,在户外冰冷刺骨的水里游泳。

9.The Spanish duet, the minuteness of whose bathing suits made them a favorite with the spectators, came in second.西班牙双人组合漂亮精致的泳装,让她们深受观众的喜爱,两人最终获得了亚军。

10.There were a lot of poptics in the community, and then my mom had this huge blow-out over bathing suits that got our whole family expelled.社区中也有很多政治。我妈妈一次围绕泳衣问题的大爆发,让我们全家被赶了出来。