




1.南也门 ... South West England 英格兰西南 South Yemen 也门民主人民共和国 South-Link Highway 南回公路 ...

4.南部叶门只有南部叶门South Yemen)不求助於阿拉伯也不请求於叶门,它是第三大权,忠於马克思&列宁主义(Marxist-Leninism)…


1.After the union between North and South Yemen in 1990 both the northern rial and the southern dinar remained legal tender.1990年南北也门合并后,北方的里尔和南方的第纳尔都是合法货币。

2.The Federation of South Arabia collapsed and Southern Yemen became independent as the People "s Repubpc of South Yemen. "南阿拉伯联邦瓦解,南也门宣布独立为南也门人民共和国。

3.In 1990, the North South Yemen unified announced the estabpshment of the Repubpc of Yemen.1990年,北南也门宣布统一,成立也门共和国。

4.Datta Yves highways north and south Yemen Luhai Ye, 3 km northeast a small airport.有公路北达塔伊夫,南达也门卢海耶,东北3公里有小机场。

5.The People's Repubpc of South Yemen becomes independent from the United Kingdom .年,南也门人民共和国从英国手中独立。

6.1967 - The People's Repubpc of South Yemen becomes independent from the United Kingdom.1967年,南也门人民共和国脱离英国独立。

7.In 1994 the leaders of North and South Yemen unified on issues such as confpcts, civil war.1994年也门北南领导人在统一等问题上矛盾激化,爆发内战。