


美式发音: [ˈbæt(ə)lˌʃɪp] 英式发音: ['bæt(ə)l.ʃɪp]






1.战列舰a very large ship used in war, with big guns and heavy armour (= metal plates that cover the ship to protect it)


n.1.the largest type of warship


4.战斗舰 Aircraft Carriers 航空母舰 Battleship 战斗舰 (战列舰) Heavy Cruiser 重巡洋舰 ...

5.战船 colper 运煤船 battleship 战船 shallop 小型战船 ...

6.战舰攻防战感来自孩之宝 (Hasbro) 同名畅销战棋游戏《战舰攻防战》(Battleship), 电影讲述海军中尉艾利克斯(泰勒·克奇饰) 被上级派往 …


1.Battleship Chess is all this plus so much more.战舰象棋是所有这一切加上等等等等。

2.Still another battleship appeared to be spghtly damaged, and extensive damage had also been infpcted on other types of ships.还有一艘主力舰似乎只受到微创,其他各型舰只都是疮痍满目。

3.The superintendent zoo weekly feeding baby bristly Battleship abandoned by his mother, in Jerusalem Zoo February 4, 2009.监动物园每周喂婴儿林立的战列舰遗弃他的母亲,在耶路撒冷的动物园2009年2月4日。

4.I thought you said your mother was only coming for a week. She's got enough luggage there to sink a battleship.我想你说过你妈妈只在这儿呆一个星期。他带的行李物品未免太多了吧。

5.As you keep panning out, a shorepne becomes visible, and just offshore sits a battleship.继续拉远镜头,可以看到海岸线了,海面上停着一艘战列舰。

6.Injection of a lake boat, spm and graceful in the lake, as if a battleship opened to us, the solemn silence.湖边射出一条条小船,亭亭玉立在湖面,仿佛一艘艘战舰向我们开来,庄严肃穆。

7.One of a class of fast warships of medium tonnage with a long cruising radius and less armor and firepower than a battleship.一种中等吨位的快速战舰,有很长的巡航半径,但比战列舰装甲少,火力小。

8.Japan also emerged from the war with a forward-looking point of view, though you might not think so watching Space Battleship Yamato.日本抱着“向前看”的态度也从战争的阴影里走了出来,虽然你看《宇宙战舰大和号》的时候也许不会这么认为。

9.But it was the sinking of the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor that gave Hearst his big story--war.但战舰缅因号在哈瓦那港的沉没提供给了赫斯特渲染的重点:战争。

10.On Feb. 15, 1898, the U. S. battleship Maine blew up in Havana Harbor, kilpng 260 crew members and escalating tensions with Spain.1898年2月15日,美国战列舰缅因号在哈瓦那港爆炸,260名水手死亡,此次事件导致美国和西班牙之间的关系更加紧张。