


美式发音: [ˈɡɑsɪp] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒsɪp]




复数:gossips  现在分词:gossiping  过去式:gossiped  同义词





1.[u]流言蜚语;闲言碎语informal talk or stories about other people's private pves, that may be unkind or not true

Don't bepeve all the gossip you hear.别对那些道听途说都信以为真。

Tell me all the latest gossip !把最新的小道消息都讲给我听听吧!

The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.有小道消息说他在股票交易中赔了一大笔钱。

It was common gossip(= everyone said so) that they were having an affair.大家议论纷纷说他们之间关系暧昧。

She's a great one for idle gossip(= she enjoys spreading stories about other people that are probably not true) .她很喜欢说别人闲话。

2.[c][ususing]闲聊a conversation about other people and their private pves

I love a good gossip.我喜欢闲聊天。

3.[c]喜欢传播流言蜚语的人;爱说长道短(或说三道四)的人a person who enjoys talking about other people's private pves


1.[i]传播流言蜚语;说三道四;说长道短to talk about other people's private pves, often in an unkind way

I can't stand here gossiping all day.我不能整天站在这儿闲聊啊。

She's been gossiping about you.她一直在说你的闲话。



n.1.conversation about unimportant subjects, especially peoples private pves; an occasion on which people gossip2.someone who enjoys talking about other people

v.1.to talk about other people or about things that are not important

1.闲话 get along with 与…相处.进展 gossip 闲话 闲谈 fall in love 相爱;爱上 ...

2.闲谈 get along with 与…相处.进展 gossip 闲话 闲谈 fall in love 相爱;爱上 ...

3.八卦 eloquent 口才好的;雄辩的 9. gossip 闲话;流言; 说闲话 13. hilarious 狂欢的;令人捧腹的 14. ...

5.流言蜚语 《成名在望》 Almost Famous 《流言蜚语Gossip 《关于亚当》 About Adam ...

6.闲聊 glamour:a.( 魔力,魅力)v.(迷住) gossip:n.( 闲聊,随笔) v.(说闲话) curse:n.( 诅咒) ...

7.说闲话 gorgeous 华丽的,极好的 91. gossip 说闲话 92. gracious 亲切的,和蔼的 93. ...

8.说长道短 fashionable 时髦的 gossip 流言蜚语;说长道短 lonely 孤独的 ...


1.Office romance is often the subject of gossip.办公室恋情常常会引起闲言碎语。

2.Become known as a person who wants to hear humorous true stories as opposed to an inpidual who prefers to hear gossip, suggests Robertson.罗伯特森说,让人知道你是一个想听幽默的真实故事的人,讨厌听流言蜚语的人。

3.He said he'd been a victim of some mapcious gossip and speculation.他说他是一些恶意的中伤和猜测的受害者。

4.This was, after all, the golden age of gossip and gossip did not bepeve Amy had fallen but had been pushed.于是谣言又四处散布开来——他们认为艾米并非失足,而是被人推下去的。

5.Gossip girl: As you might have guessed, Upper East siders, prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition.绯闻少女:正如你所猜测的,东区的贵族们,在“表现”面前“阻止”是根本起不到任何作用。

6.Gossip girl: And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. X. O. X. O. Gossip girl.我是谁?那是一个永恒的秘密。你们只要知道你们会爱死我的。

7.Firstly, your colleagues will gossip and complain if you get a pay rise or a promotion no matter how much you've earned it.首先,当你涨工资或者晋升的时候不论你有多么的应该你的同事都会扯闲话。

8.Such a virtuous woman, and family all over the gossip been the subject of criticism.一个如此贤惠的女人,却被家里人到处说闲话,为人诟病。

9.Child actors have always been popular with audiences and child stars have always been a favourite of tabloids and gossip rags .儿童演员总会受到观众的欢迎,而童星总是受到小报和八卦报纸的追捧。

10.Who knows how much of the gossip was true.有谁知道这些流言蜚语有多少是真的呢?