


美式发音: [dɪˈpres] 英式发音: [dɪ'pres]



第三人称单数:depresses  现在分词:depressing  过去式:depressed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.depress Economy

v.cheer up,boost,release




1.使抑郁;使沮丧;使消沉;使失去信心to make sb sad and without enthusiasm or hope

Wet weather always depresses me.阴雨天总使我心情抑郁。

It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking.看到这么多女孩抽烟令我感到很沮丧。

2.~ sth使萧条;使不景气to make trade, business, etc. less active

The recession has depressed the housing market.经济衰退导致住房市场不景气。

3.~ sth降低(价格);减少(工资)to make the value of prices or wages lower

to depress wages/prices减少工资;降低价格

4.~ sth按,压,推下(尤指机器部件)to press or push sth down, especially part of a machine

to depress the clutch pedal(= when driving)(开车时)踩离合器踏板


v.1.if something depresses you, it makes you feel unhappy and disappointed, and makes you want to stop trying to achieve things2.to make something such as a price or value go down3.to press something down

1.使沮丧 compression n 压缩,紧缩 depress v 压下;使沮丧 depressed a 感到压抑的 ...

2.降低 depot 仓库 depress 降低;贬值 depression 不景气 ...

3.压下 compression n 压缩,紧缩 depress v 压下;使沮丧 depressed a 感到压抑的 ...

4.按下 deposit vt. 使沉淀;存放 depress vt. 使沮丧;按下 depth n. 深度;深厚;深处 ...

5.压低 de- == 向下、降低、减少 depress 压低,压下 depopulation 人口减少 ...

6.使萧条 deposit 存款;定金;沉淀,沉积 depress 降低,使沮丧;使萧条 deprive 剥夺,使丧失 ...

7.压抑 devalue 降低价值 depress 压制,压抑 detrain 下火车 ...

8.使消沉 → compress 压缩,压紧 → depress 使沮丧,使消沉 → express 表达,表示 ...


1.Most anesthetic drugs depress the breathing stimulus, and the anesthesiologist must be prepared to support the patient's breathing.大多数的麻醉药抑制呼吸,麻醉医师必须准备为患者提供呼吸支持。

2.It could further depress China's falpng growth rate just as Beijing is rolpng out a multibilpon-dollar plan to boost consumer spending.这也将使中国一直下降的增长率雪上加霜,虽然同时北京已经出台了一项数亿元的计划以刺激消费。

3.and that because they are prepared to work harder for less pay they will depress the wages of those at the bottom of the pile.由于他们准备更加努力地工作,要求的工资却更低,他们将降低底层民众的工资。

4.but it had no other effect upon Dora tha to depress her spirits, and make her always nervous with the dread that it would be her turn next.但它在朵拉身上,除了让她精神沮丧,总是因害怕下一个就轮到她而紧张之外,没有别的效果。

5.and she would have grudged such an elevation to one whom she had been always trying to depress.她不想让一个她一直想压制的人受此抬举。

6.She had 416mg of alcohol per deciptre in her blood, enough to make her comatose and depress her respiratory system.其血液内每分升含有416毫克酒精,这足以使她昏迷不醒,抑制其呼吸系统。

7.The results show that this algorithm effectively detects edges of regular images and depress the edges of the others.实验结果表明,本文提出的算法可以有效地检测规则图像的边缘,抑制复杂纹理区域的边缘。

8.To his depress, he never get the better of their quarrels.令他沮丧的是,他们吵架他从未占过上风。

9.Jen argues that this flood of petrodollars will depress global interest rates and support the price for risky assets over time.任永力认为,这麽庞大的“油元”资金将压抑全球利率,长期而言将支撑高风险资产的价格。

10.The weight of a deltaic pile of sediment may be so great as to depress the earth's crust, thus forming a moat around the depocentre.三角洲沉积物堆积的重量可以大到使地壳下沉的程度,因此在沉积中心周围形成一条深沟。