


美式发音: ['baʊhaʊs] 英式发音: ['baʊhaʊs]

n.包豪斯建筑学派(20 世纪初德国建筑和设计的风格、流派,受工业界方法和材料的影响,强调实用功能)




1.包豪斯建筑学派(20 世纪初德国建筑和设计的风格、流派,受工业界方法和材料的影响,强调实用功能)a style and movement in German architecture and design in the early 20th century that was influenced by the methods and materials used in industry and placed emphasis on how things would be used

n.1.an influential German school of architecture and design, founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius.

1.包豪斯 Baroque: 巴洛克风格 Bauhaus: 包豪斯建筑风格 Byzantine: 拜占庭艺术风格的 ...

6.包豪斯风格 Christmas、Valentine's day 圣诞节,情人节 Bauhaus 包豪斯风格 Bohemia 波希米亚风 ...

7.包豪斯学校今年是建筑学历史上著名的“包豪斯学校”(Bauhaus)建校90周年,从东京到纽约都举行了纪念性的展览。“包豪斯学校”由年轻 …

8.包豪斯设计学院包豪斯设计学院Bauhaus),德国一所艺术和设计学院,习惯上仍沿称“包豪斯”,在两德统一后位于魏玛的设计学院更名为魏 …


1.This rational pursuit of common forms was a poptical response to the war (despite Gropius's insistence that Bauhaus was apoptical).对普通形式的理性追求是对战争的政治性回应(尽管格罗佩斯一直强调包豪斯无关政治)。

2.In the age of airplane travel, people saw the future as this bright, shiny thing. This was the Bauhaus or Modernist style.在飞机旅行的年代,人们视未来为这类明亮、闪耀的事物。这是包豪斯或者现代主义风格。

3.One was the influence of the European modernist movement, led by Bauhaus architects in Germany and Le Corbusier in France.一个是由德国包豪斯建筑学派(Bauhausarchitects)与法国勒·科布西耶(LeCorbusier)所领导的欧洲现代主义运动的影响。

4.His goal was the standardisation of communication processes and the development of a uniform typographic presence for the Bauhaus.他的目标为包豪斯提供一个标准化的沟通流程和统一的排版方式。

5.Drafted by the Gropius, "Bauhaus Declaration" is an important document of modern design, the highest of modern design education program.由格罗皮乌斯起草的“包豪斯宣言”是现代设计的重要文献,也是现代设计教育的最高纲领。

6.As with most art movements that begin with manifestos, the Bauhaus school had a Utopian element.正如大部分的艺术运动都始于某些宣言一样,包豪斯学派也有着乌托邦式的色彩。

7.The Bauhaus got its inspiration from engineering. Critics have said Frank Gehry gets his inspiration from crumpled pieces of paper.评论家曾说过,弗兰克盖瑞从一堆褶皱的稿纸中得到灵感。

8.Jacobs, the founding editor of Dwell magazine, the glossy bible for the Bauhaus crowd, is a devotee of modern design.雅各布丝是现代设计的狂热迷恋者,而且是《房居杂志》创始编辑。

9.Cool abstraction, which is derived from the industrial culture background of "Bauhaus theory" , and is a major artistic school.冷抽象艺术源于“包豪斯理论”的工业化文化背景,是一个重要的艺术流派。

10.Israel was a young country with lots of influence from the Bauhaus school.以色列是一个深受包豪斯影响的年轻国家。