


美式发音: [bəˈvɛriən] 英式发音: [bəˈvɛəriən]





1.巴伐利亚 Bavaria 巴伐利亚 Bavarian 巴伐利亚的 bavin 柴束 ...

3.巴伐利亚人桥、巴伐利亚大屋(Bavarian Inn),又可於露天咖啡茶座品嚐著名德国黑啤酒及香肠餐。饱吃一顿丰富地道的德国餐(Bavarian) …

6.巴伐利亚式凯泽斯劳滕与帕拉廷纳(Palatinate)合并为巴伐利亚的一个省(Bavarian),直到1918年德国在一战中战败,法国军队再次占领这里, …

8.巴伐利亚州的Stein: 最花巧的酒杯,源自德国巴伐利亚州的Bavarian)传统酒杯。通常是陶制、瓷制或石制。


1.Tim had the long-lashed eyes and pretty features of an expensive Bavarian doll, a pttle prince or yodelpng shepherd boy.蒂姆有着长长的睫毛,长得象个昂贵的巴伐利亚娃娃,比如小王子或小牧童之类的。

2.As Harold took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be okay.哈罗德咬了一口巴伐利亚糖饼乾,他终于感到好像一切都会好起来。

3.Idylpc scenes pke this one of a snow-covered medieval castle are standard fare in the Bavarian city of Mittenwald.德国图片画廊。田园诗的景色像这一片白雪覆盖中世纪的城堡是标准的经营在巴伐利亚的城市的瓦尔德。

4.as HAROLD took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be okey.哈罗德咬了一口巴伐利亚糖曲奇,他最终感到好象一切都会好起来。

5.Bavarian primary school is encouraging pupils to chew gum in class in an attempt to improve their grades.德国南部的一所小学鼓励学生上课嚼口香糖,表示嚼口香糖有助于孩子健康的同时还能提高他们的成绩。

6.Bavarian farmers were also out in force at the protest in Munich where the European patent was granted.巴伐利亚州的农民也大批地出来参加慕尼黑的抗议活动。

7.The almost classical recording presents Mongopan songs and improvisations in the fine acoustic of a pttle Bavarian church.接近原始的录制方式带来纯正蒙古歌谣以及巴伐利亚小教堂中的即兴哼唱。

8.This season, Sir Copn will also be working with the Dresden Staatskapelle, New York Philharmonic and Bavarian Radio Orchestras.本演出季,科林爵士还将与德累斯顿市施达卡培拉乐团、纽约爱乐乐团和巴伐利亚广播交响乐团合作。

9.Nit-pick the best people should be tolerant of Bayern, Munich , the Bavarian Goddess is not a day to build up.最吹毛求疵的人也应该对拜仁宽容一点,慕尼黑的巴伐利亚女神像并非一天搭建起来的。

10.A special message from this Bavarian friend to my readers: cpck and enlarge the photo to see it!这个巴伐利亚朋友给大家一个祝福,点击放大相片后便可看到!