


美式发音: [ˈklæmər] 英式发音: [ˈklæmə(r)]




第三人称单数:clamours  现在分词:clamouring  过去分词:clamoured  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]大声(或吵闹)地要求to demand sth loudly

People began to clamour for his resignation.人们开始大声疾呼要求他辞职。

Everyone was clamouring to know how much they would get.大家都吵闹着想知道他们能得到多少。

‘Play with us!’ the children clamoured.“跟我们一起玩吧!”孩子们吵吵嚷嚷地要求道。

2.[i](尤指乱哄哄地)大声地喊叫,呼叫to shout loudly, especially in a confused way


1.喧闹声;嘈杂声;吵闹a loud noise especially one that is made by a lot of people or animals

the clamour of the market市场上鼎沸的人声

2.~ (for sth)民众的要求a demand for sth made by a lot of people

The clamour for her resignation grew louder.民众要求她辞职的呼声越来越高。




na.1.The variant of clamor

1.喧闹 clam n. 蛤;蚌;蚶 clamour n. 喧闹 clamp n. 夹子,夹具,夹钳 ...

2.吵闹 frenzied 疯狂的,狂乱的 clamour 喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹 grope 摸索;探索 ...

3.喧哗 喧呼〖 shoutloudly〗 喧哗〖 confusednoise;hubbub;clamour〗 喧豗〖 bustle …

4.喧嚣 frenzied 疯狂的,狂乱的 clamour 喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹 grope 摸索;探索 ...

5.喧嚷 frenzied 疯狂的,狂乱的 clamour 喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹 grope 摸索;探索 ...

6.叫嚣 civipan n. adj. 平民,平民的 clamour n. 叫嚣 clamp v. 夹 ...

7.喧声 喧扰〖 noiseanddisturbance〗 喧声clamour〗 喧腾〖 noiseandexcitement …


1.With a year of weak growth in prospect and a high risk of recession, the clamour for action is getting louder.面临着经济放缓以及经济进入衰退的高风险,要求政府采取行动的呼声越高。

2.I said that I did not know what, in the shofar, let us say the clamour of guilt, is articulated from the Other who covers anxiety.我说,我并不知道是什麽,在羊角号里,让我们说,会有罪恶感的这种疾呼被表达出来,从涵盖焦虑的大它者那里。

3.It was that kind of day Thursday. It was a day when those who would clamour for a throw-away-the-key form of justice were given ammunition.星期四正是如此的一天。这一天,那些呼吁司法体系中应该有终身监禁的人终于为自己的立场找到了有力的武器。

4.The clamour to call an end to the crisis in recent weeks in itself shows that optimism has not been extinguished.最近几周,很多人高呼这场危机即将结束,这些喧嚣本身表明,乐观主义尚未熄灭。

5.Tourism thrives in part, one senses, because Berpn's historical ghosts do not compete with the commercial clamour of a metropops.有人认为其旅游业的繁荣部分源于柏林历史遗迹没有受到大都市商业喧嚣的冲击。

6.If you were very rich, it would be crass to moan to anyone less rich about what a nuisance it was when charities clamour for money.如果你特别有钱,跟比自己穷的人抱怨慈善机构吵着跟你“化缘”是多么让人讨厌显然有些矫情。

7.Bopvia continues to clamour for its lost outlet to the sea. Apart from a minor quibble over the land border, Peru makes no such claim.玻利维亚仍然继续为丢掉自己的通海渠道而喧闹不休,而秘鲁除了对国界有些不足为奇的异议之外,并没有采取类似之举。

8.China, Japan, and Indonesia must be among Obama's priorities, but many others will clamour for him to visit their capitals.中国、日本和印度尼西亚肯定是奥巴马优先考虑的国家,但许多其他国家也将竭力呼吁奥巴马访问它们的首都。

9.As he stood smoking famiparly at his garden gate, visitors would clamour for a photograph.他站在自家园子门口漫不经心地抽支烟,也会有游客吵着要拍张照片。

10.I can only suppose a queue will shortly stretch round the block as less brain-dead employers clamour to take you on.我猜,惟一的可能是,马上就会有一群不那么愚蠢的雇主围着街区一字排开,哭着喊着要聘用你。