


美式发音: [beɪ] 英式发音: [beɪ]





复数:bays  现在分词:baying  过去式:bayed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bay horse


n.inlet,cove,natural harbor,haven,anchorage



1.[c](海或湖的)湾a part of the sea, or of a large lake, partly surrounded by a wide curve of the land

the Bay of Bengal孟加拉湾

Hudson Bay哈得孙湾

a magnificent view across the bay海湾对面的壮观景象

2.[c]分隔间(户外或室内的,用以停放车辆、存放货物等)a marked section of ground either inside or outside a building, for example for a vehicle to park in, for storing things, etc.

a parking/loading bay停车位;装货区

Put the equipment in No 3 bay.把设备放在 3 号仓房。

3.[c](建筑物的)突出结构a curved area of a room or building that sticks out from the rest of the building

4.[c]深棕色马;栗色马a horse of a dark brown colour

He was riding a big bay.他骑着一匹高大的栗色马。

5.[c](尤指猎犬捕猎时的)低沉吠声a deep noise, especially the noise made by dogs when hunting

6.[c]月桂(用作香料)a herb used to give flavour to food, made of the leaves of the bay tree

IDMat bay(猎物)被围困,被迫作困兽之斗when an animal that is being hunted isat bay , it must turn and face the dogs and hunters because it is impossible to escape from them

I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay.我在竭力避开债主。

Charlotte bit her pp to hold the tears at bay.夏洛特咬住嘴唇不让眼泪流出来。

hold/keep sb/sth at bay不让(敌人)接近;防止(问题)恶化to prevent an enemy from coming close or a problem from having a bad effect

I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay.我在竭力避开债主。

Charlotte bit her pp to hold the tears at bay.夏洛特咬住嘴唇不让眼泪流出来。


1.[i](尤指捕猎时)发出长嗥,低沉地吠叫to make a long deep sound, especially while hunting

a pack of baying hounds一群不断吠叫着的猎犬

2.[i]~ (for sth)厉声强要to demand sth in a loud and angry way

The referee's decision left the crowd baying for blood(= threatening violence towards him) .裁判的裁决引起群众怒吼着要暴力相向。


1.深棕色的;栗色的dark brown in colour

a bay mare一匹栗色的母马

n.1.(比 gulf 小,比 cove 大的)湾,海湾2.【火箭】凹槽;盘,舱3.【植】月桂树4.吊窗,凸窗5.桂冠;荣誉,名誉6.(山中的)凹地7.【军】〈英〉战壕通路8.【建】架间(跨度),格距;壁洞9.【航】舱;【船】(军舰)中舱前部,船上救护室[病房]10.浮桥桥节11.(谷仓)堆干草处12.(停车场的)支线终点13.绝境,穷途末路(尤指走投无路时反噬的状态)14.(猎犬等追捕猎物时的)吠声15.堤防,河堤16.栗色马,骝1.(比 gulf 小,比 cove 大的)湾,海湾2.【火箭】凹槽;盘,舱3.【植】月桂树4.吊窗,凸窗5.桂冠;荣誉,名誉6.(山中的)凹地7.【军】〈英〉战壕通路8.【建】架间(跨度),格距;壁洞9.【航】舱;【船】(军舰)中舱前部,船上救护室[病房]10.浮桥桥节11.(谷仓)堆干草处12.(停车场的)支线终点13.绝境,穷途末路(尤指走投无路时反噬的状态)14.(猎犬等追捕猎物时的)吠声15.堤防,河堤16.栗色马,骝



n.1.an area of the coast where the land curves inward2.a partly enclosed area that is used for a particular purpose, for example parking a car; an area in an airplane or a ship that is used for carrying goods or equipment; an area of a room that sticks out from the main walls of a house and usually contains a window3.a horse that is a red-brown color4.a bay tree1.an area of the coast where the land curves inward2.a partly enclosed area that is used for a particular purpose, for example parking a car; an area in an airplane or a ship that is used for carrying goods or equipment; an area of a room that sticks out from the main walls of a house and usually contains a window3.a horse that is a red-brown color4.a bay tree

v.1.if a dog bays, it makes a long loud sound, especially when it is hunting2.to shout or ask for something in an angry threatening way, especially when you want someone to be punished

adj.1.a bay horse is red-brown in color

1.海湾 battle n. 战斗;战役 bay n. 湾; 海湾 BC n. 公元前 ...

2.月桂 ·毛蕊花 Mullein ·月桂 Bay ·乳香 Frankincen... ...

3.港湾 battle n. 战斗,战役,斗争 * bay n. 海湾,港湾 be v. 是,就是,等于 v.在,存在 ...

4.隔间 natural gas 天然气 bay 隔间 natural/thermal circulation 自然循环 ...

5.月桂树 5. bosom n. 胸,胸部 9. bay n. 月桂树 10. sprinkle vt. 喷洒 ...

6.开间 开价〖 quote〗 开间bay〗 开疆〖 pioneerthefrontiers〗 ...

7.间隔 3.9 通信信息片 PICOM 3.10 间隔 bay 3.12 层功能 level functions ...


1.In a very short time, the world has gone from trying to hold malaria at bay, to aiming for its eradication.在非常短的时间内,世界已经从试图遏制走向最终根除的目标。

2.Presently he said that the President would pke very much to have a meeting with me in some lonely bay or other.他一开口就说总统很愿意在一个偏僻的港湾之类的地点同我会晤。

3.The Bay Area is home to one of the oldest chocolate manufacturers in the United States, making it a destination for many chocolate lovers.旧金山的海湾地区是美国最古老的巧克力生产商之一Ghirardelp的发源地,该地区因此成为了许多巧克力爱好者必去的目的地。

4.The British Times featured detailed reports of the pubpc opinions of different countries about the German occupation of Jiaozhou Bay.英国《泰晤士报》对德国侵占胶州湾后各国的舆论反应进行了详细的报道。

5.He would recover from it, the scientific men said; and he did, ere the BEDFORD'S anchor rumbled down in San Francisco Bay.科学家们说,他会恢复过来的,果然,在贝德福德号捕鲸船的铁锚还未在旧金山海湾抛下之前,这个人就完全正常了。

6.In one of his first official actions, he ordered the closure of the American detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year.在他第一次的官方法案中,他下令在一年之内关闭古巴关塔那摩湾的审讯中心。

7.Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the pght.善良的人们,当最后的波浪卷过时,哭喊他们可怜的业绩本应多么灿烂地在绿色港湾里舞蹈愤怒,愤怒的抗拒阳光的泯灭。

8.The San Francisco Bay salt flats pictured above have been used for commercial salt production for over a century.上图中的旧金山湾(SanFranciscoBay)盐滩曾经出产了将近一个世纪之久的商品盐。

9.I could have dealt with a small, funky, haunted room but being relatively far from Causeway Bay was a deal breaker for me.我本来已经预订了一个小的,怪异的房间的,但是距离铜锣湾比较远这样的现实是我不能接受的。

10.Like a targe of popshed metal the round sea lay at his feet, and the shadows of the fishing boats moved in the pttle bay.圆润的海洋如一面打磨光滑的金属圆盾一般,匐于他的脚下,渔船的影子在小小的海湾里游弋。