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网络释义:黑莓信使;断背山(Broke Back Mountain);黑莓手机短信



1.黑莓信使 分钟 / 剧情 / 同性 / Xue Chen / 断背山 / 断臂山 / BBM 春光乍泄 / 一起快乐 / Happy Together ...

3.黑莓手机短信该手机提供的黑莓手机短信(BBM)可以说是组织秘密活动的绝佳工具:它可以一对多地即时传送,免费,并且不同于社交网站, …

4.黑莓即时通讯加密邮件和黑莓即时通讯(BBM)以数据包的形式,通过很少被占用的GPRS信道将其传递到黑莓遍布世界各地的服务器,并发送 …

5.坏块管理(Bad Block Management)• 第 8 页 专业术语解释-BBMBad block management)坏块管理• 第 9 页 专业术语解释-ECC(Error Checking and Correction…


1.Immersed in a BBM, the last thing you think of are classic unit tests.于BBM,您认为的最后一件事情是经典的单元测试。

2.If these practices become part of your tool chest, the BBM stays a bit farther away from your projects.如果这些做法将成为您工具胸部的一部分,BBM会有点较远的位置停留远离您的项目。

3.they just recommend that architects and developers be ready to face the BBM risk and learn how to keep it under control.他们只是建议设计师和开发人员可以准备面临BBM风险并了解如何使其保持在控制之下。

4.After tons of housework, I was lazy in bed in the midnight watching TV while chatting with him via BBM.夜半,百无聊赖的懒在床上看电视,有一搭无一搭的和他用黑莓短息聊天。

5.In BBM, when Jack's father announces that Jack ashes will be put into a family plot, the same 'Gong' is heard.在《断背山》中,杰克的父亲宣布,杰克的骨灰将洒在家族墓地中时,也能听到“铛”的一声。

6."Talking to some of the operators, BBM has certainly had an impact on their SMS revenue, " said Pete Cunningham, senior analyst at Canalys.Canalys公司高级分析师皮特•坎宁安(PeteCunningham)表示:“与一些运营商的交谈显示,BBM肯定对他们的短信收入造成了影响。”

7.And many youngsters, especially in Britain, have taken eagerly to BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), a free instant-messaging service.许多年轻人,特别是在英国的年轻人,非常热衷黑莓信使,这是一款免费的即时短信服务。

8.The rioters use BBM against the popce. But can the popce use it against the rioters?骚乱者用黑莓来对抗警察,警察也可以用它来对付骚乱者吗?

9.The weapon was a converted BBM "Bruni" self-loading pistol. It contained one bullet.这是一把经过改装的BBM“布鲁尼”自动手枪,带有一发子弹。

10.The BlackBerry Messenger, known as BBM, enables people to share texts and messages within groups of people.黑莓通讯软件使得人们可以只在某群人之间分享消息。