




1.丁二醇(Butanediol) [详细] [1]

5.立信)发表声明,指控中国德勤、安永、毕马威、普华永道及立信(BDO)会计师事务所的中国分支,拒绝向SEC提供涉嫌欺诈的中 …


1.Rather than get the comppcity of the bank, China-Biotics is alleged to have set up a fake bank website.据BDO称,中国生物科技并没有寻求银行给他们的舞弊行为提供帮助,而是直接建设了一个伪造的银行网站。

2.Whereas BDO was previously a distant fifth to these firms, Au said the combined staff will make it now a much closer fifth.BDO以前排在第五位,但远远落后于前面四家,这次合并将会使这个第五名的分量重得多。

3.The eurozone will not come out of recession for at least six months, according to BDO estimates.据柏德浩估计,欧元区至少需要6个月才能走出衰退。

4.Bernanke's optimism that the economic recovery will begin next year is not shared for the UK by accountancy firm BDO Stoy Hayward .伯南克那种相信经济复苏将于明年开始的乐观情绪,并没有传染给英国柏德豪会计师事务所,它对英国经济的看法依然悲观。

5.By working with BDO, xTuple is connected with thousands of accountants, across the US and the world.通过与BDO会计事务所的合作,xTuple与全美甚至全球数以千计的会计师沟通。

6.But China-Biotics never arranged the meeting, despite repeated requests from BDO, the firm said.立信德豪说,尽管自己一再要求,但中国生物就是不安排相关会见。

7.Some two-fifths are foreign-owned, according to a survey by BDO Stoy Hayward, an accounting firm, and EEF, a manufacturers' association.根据会计公司BDOStoyHayward以及制造业联盟EEF的调查,有大约五分之二的企业由外国人拥有。

8.Rupert Eastell at auditors BDO Stoy Hayward expects a period of three to five months in which "consumers will not spend" .在财务审计BDOStoyHayward处RuperEastell预计,未来会有三到五个月的时间消费者将不再消费。

9.Yesterday China-Biotics failed its cash confirmation test when auditor BDO resigned.昨天,中国生物科技的银行询证函大考也以失败告终–该公司审计师BDO宣布辞职。

10.The Playtech Software has been Audited by leading international accounting firm BDO.Playtech软件已通过国际著名会计事务所BDO公司审核。