


美式发音: 英式发音: 

网络释义:天津;紧密连接(tight junction);总抖动(Total Jitter)



1.天津 南京 http://nj.58网址被屏蔽/ 天津 http://tj.58网址被屏蔽/ 武汉 http://wh.58网址被屏蔽/ ...

2.紧密连接(tight junction) TH 泰国 TJ 塔吉克斯坦 TM 土库曼斯坦 ...

6.天津市 上海市 sh.html 天津市 tj.html 重庆市 cq.html ...


1.I knew TJ was different when he was just three days old. He was very fretful, he'd be up feeding all night and was always very tense.我知道TJ在只有三岁的时候与别人不一样,他非常的烦燥,而且夜里总是整夜地闹着要起来要喂东西给他,总是显得非常紧张。

2.I tell TJ autism is not an excuse for not being able to do something, it's an explanation for why it's more of a struggle for us.我告诉TJ孤独症不是做不好事情的借口,而是为什么对我们来说,这会比挣扎还要难。

3."Looking out on the Earth is just inspiring, " said space station resident Timothy "TJ" Creamer.“在太空遥看地球是极其令人振奋的,”空间站的居民蒂默西·克里默认为。

4.Concept artist TJ Frame was tasked with developing vehicle designs when he first joined the Episode III Art Department.概念画家TJ·弗雷姆刚加入《第三集》的艺术部门,就负责设计交通工具。

5.The nursery couldn't handle TJ so I sent him to the Willows Centre, a school in Portsmouth for children with special education needs.托儿所拿他没办法,所以我把他送到WillowsCentre,一所在Portsmouth的学校。这个学校专门收下那些需要特殊教育的孩子。

6.TJ, who was of course President, was also a great reader and language enthusiasts.杰弗逊,当然他是总统,也是一个出色的阅读者和语言发烧友。

7.The tight junction (TJ) is an essential component of this barrier.的紧密连接(天津)是一个必不可少的组成部分这一障碍。

8.tight junction (TJ) was observed by transmission electron microscopy.透射电镜下观察紧密连接。

9.I hope being diagnosed young will help TJ understand how to cope with autism in a way I never could.我希望这么年轻就被诊断出这种病这件事能使TJ知道怎么用我从来都没学会的方式去对付它。

10.As people trend toward ethical business, TJ's may find that receiving is a byproduct of giving.人们倾向于道德企业,因此TraderJoes可能发现自己收获了一种副产品。