




1.快乐 ... Clear Your Mental Space 清理心灵的空间 Be Happy 快乐 The Goodness of pfe 生命的美好 ...

2.要幸福 Moment: 2B 货 Be happy° // 要幸福 ∝ 1n the 暮光之城 ...

3.要快乐 ... be over 完了;完结;散会;结束 be happy 快乐;欢笑吧;要快乐;韩国文具印章 be free 空闲的;有空; …

4.生日快乐 Game Plan 千方百计 Be Happy 生日快乐 Dark Sunset 黑色夕阳 ...

5.高兴 again and again 一次又一次的 be happy 高兴 3. be careful 小心 4. ...

6.保持心情愉快 be not happy with sth 不喜欢某物 be happy 保持心情愉快. be very happy 如果我是亿万富翁 ...

7.笑吧8.笑吧(Be Happy)9.星病毒(Boys & Girls) -feat.key(SHINee)10.焦糖咖啡(Talk To Me)11.星星星12.无条件Happy Ending13.只想 …

8.开心  第八名:保持开心(be happy)  229人提醒自己要保持开心,只有14人认为自己已经做到了,但当然,这件事是一个长期、艰巨的 …


1.I would be happy to know if my suggestions have turned out to be useful in your constant improvement of your overall service.我很希望知道自己的建议是否在你们不断提升整体服务的过程中派上了用场。

2.They're all over. You must be happy that you were able to skip them.都已经放学了,你能溜掉那些课应该高兴一点才是。

3.You could finally be one of those people you hate to be around, the ones that seem to be happy all the time.最终你会成为那些你曾经嫉妒的、整天看起来都很快乐的那类人。

4.I do not bepeve she would be happy about the exposure of that dark corner of her pfe . . . in the course of this trial.我不相信,她会乐于看到自己生活中的这个阴暗角落……在此次庭审过程中曝光。

5.In fact, some people might be happy to hang around the office for no salary at all in the hope of picking up some odd jobs.实际上,有些人可能很高兴在办公室里瞎晃悠,不是为了薪水,而是希望找些零活儿干干。

6.She said, "be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. "她会告诉你,要想与一个女人幸福相守,你必须尽量多爱她,但绝不要试图去理解。

7.I thought it was pretty good from our point of view, but I can see that some people might not be happy.我本来认为从我们的角度看这非常好,但我知道有些人可能并不满意。

8.PEDR O. K. , if you want it that way. You finish the painting, and I''ll be happy to sign my name. I love to see an artist working.好吧,如果是这样,你来画画,我来签名。我倒很爱看你们这些艺术家工作。

9.What I think doesn't matter. You've got to be happy with what you do. Besides, that decision was made years ago, wasn't it?我怎么想都无关紧要,你要作自己喜欢的工作,而且,你好几年前就作决定了,对不对?

10.He seems to be happy with just sitting in front of the TV all day.看起来他整夜坐在电视机前就心满意足了