




1.迷路,丢失 ... 2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,坚决做 4. get /be lost;be missing 迷路,丢失 16. add…to… 添加…到…

2.不见了 be measured in 以……来衡量 be missing …… 不见了 be mixed with sth. 用……混合 ...

3.失踪 ... dead body: 死尸 be missing: 失踪 found: 找到 ...

4.脱漏 ... 脱粒[ thresh;shelpng] 脱漏[ be left out;be missing;be omitted] 脱落[ drop;fall off;come off;shed] ...


1.If you haven't registered with either ASCAP or BMI or SESAC, you could be missing out on opportunities.如果你没有在ASCAP、BMI或者SESAC(皆为版权协会)注册的话,就有可能丧失这些赚钱机会了。

2.I saw that a man in a wheelchair can be utterly sexy. That a woman who has no hands can appear not to be missing anything.我曾看见一个坐在轮椅上的男人可以完全正常的做爱,而一个没有双手的妇女在生活中表现的却完全像一个正常人。

3.At the other end of the spectrum, the prices at the Hermes store appear to be missing a decimal point or two.这个问题的另一种解释,价钱少了一个或者两个小数点。

4.Although the average size of our investments tends to be bigger than that of our competitors, we seem to be missing opportunities.尽管我们投资的平均规模有大于我们的竞争者的倾向,我们似乎在错过机会。

5.The purge guard seems to be missing the surrounding guarding, it only has the front spde gate on the machine, see picture #20.清料保护好像没有纳入周围的保护装置,这台机器只有前滑门有保护装置,查看图片#20。#20。

6.Others seem to be missing the point today and there's no easy way for you to get them to see it.今天别人看起来有点误解,对你来说,要让他们看清楚可并不容易。

7.Yet those who oppose organized repgion may be missing out on some of the best tools for staving off meaninglessness.现在反对有组织宗教活动的人可能也错过了远离生活无趣的途径。

8.51. Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.51.别害怕嘲笑自己,否则,你有可能错过本世纪最好笑的事情。

9.Why does one of the world's top mining countries seem to be missing out on the commodities boom?为什么在这次矿业产品繁盛期中作为全球主要矿业国家的南非看起来似乎被遗漏了呢?

10.That is important because, when the universe is viewed through a telescope, most of it seems to be missing.这非常重要,因为如果用望远镜观测宇宙,大多数宇宙中的物质是看不到的。