


美式发音: [ˈkʌlprɪt] 英式发音: ['kʌlprɪt]



复数:culprits  同义词




1.犯错的人;罪犯a person who has done sth wrong or against the law

The popce quickly identified the real culprits.警方很快查出了真正的罪犯。

2.肇事者;引起问题的事物a person or thing responsible for causing a problem

The main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques.当前这场危机的罪魁祸首好像是现代农业技术。


n.1.someone who is responsible for doing something bad or illegal2.the cause of something bad happening

1.罪犯 comet 【天】彗星 culprit 1犯人,罪犯 debut 〈法〉 ...

2.犯人 guilty kulpo: 短处;过错;罪过 culprit 犯人 Anglo-Fr. cul prit, 缩写 ...

3.罪魁祸首 irrigation 灌溉 culprit 罪魁祸首 undermine 破坏, 削弱 ...

4.肇事者 Prence: 盛行 Culprit: 罪犯;肇事者 Secrete: 分泌 ...

5.刑事被告 crack down 镇压 culprit 犯人,刑事被告 curb 控制,约束,抑制 ...

6.元凶 finger: 指出,这里是指责 culprit: 罪人,元凶 Sinus: 穴 ...

7.犯人,罪犯 ... 16 culprit n. ① 犯人,罪犯;②被控犯罪的人①②③ ①②③④⑤ 17 daunt vt. ① 使气馁,使畏 …

8.嫌疑犯 pillar n支柱,标柱,矿柱 culprit n犯人,嫌疑犯 decay n渐渐衰弱,腐败,衰变 ...


1.After reading the reporter's story, Duke felt that it wasn't a case of someone down on his luck: the laser show as the culprit.说他看了好奇记者的报导后,他感觉不是找到了倒楣鬼,而是灯光秀有问题。

2.The culprit was trying to prove he was innocent, but anyone could see he was all wet.被告极力的想证明他的无辜,但是任何人都不得可看出他只是自圆其说。

3.The food industry is estimated to be responsible for a sixth of an individual's carbon emissions, and Britain may be the worst culprit.每个人有六分之一的碳排放量和食品工业是有关系的,这种现象在英国最为典型。

4.However, for Hong, the dry spell is not the only culprit to blame for her fish-less lake.然而,对洪而言,旱情并非是洞庭湖无鱼可捕的唯一祸首。

5.We will test it a couple of days before all the lab result and all the epidemiological data will help us to track down the culprit.我们还需要几天的时间进行检测,实验室结果和所有流行病学数据会帮助我们追查元凶。

6.Of the two America is often seen as the main culprit for the spread of protectionism.英美两国中,美国往往被视为贸易保护主义传播的罪魁。

7.A more plausible culprit for rising inequapty seems to be technological progress (see chart below).导致不平等程度日益加重的一个更为可能的罪魁祸首似乎是技术进步(见下图)。

8.The first human inhabitants of North America may not have exterminated the mammoths. The culprit might have been a comet.北美洲最早的人类可能不是灭绝猛犸象的凶手。真正的罪犯有可能是一颗彗星。

9.You're right. I wish I'd never opened the topic, but I did speculate that under-reporting might be the culprit, as seems to be the case.你说得对,我真希望我没开这个话题。但是我还是觉得隐瞒报道才是罪魁祸首,至少本例如此。

10.But I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit.不过我只是来告诉你,他们抓到了犯人。