




1.正在睡觉 ... go to sleep 入睡 be sleeping 正在睡觉 fall asleep 熟睡 204、 ...

2.表示动作 be sleeping 表示动作,意思是“正在睡觉”; be asleep 表示状态,意思是“睡着了”。如: ...

3.强调在睡觉的动作 be asleep 强调睡觉的状态 be sleeping 强调在睡觉的动作 ...


1.Beside me was a woman with a pttle girl in her arms. But in front of her, a young man occupied two seats, pretending to be sleeping.我身边站着一位怀抱小女孩的妇女,她身前有一位小青年占着两个座位,假装在睡觉。

2.So, during the day (when he is supposed to be sleeping) Woo sneaks out of the house into the daypght and gets into a whole mess of trouble.于是,在某个幽灵本该在睡觉的白天,呜呜私自溜出家门寻找刺激,却惹来了许多麻烦。

3."There were also moments in which the waters were agitated and the wind contrary, " he said. "The Lord seemed to be sleeping. "“其间也有海水翻滚、逆风肆虐的时刻,”他说。“那时候,上帝似乎正在安眠。”

4.Ever since the beginning of lunch, he had seemed to be sleeping with open eyes and a vague smile on his pps.从午饭开始以来,他一直都似乎在睁着眼睛睡觉,唇上挂着一副空洞洞的微笑。

5.His eyes closed in what would have seemed to be sleeping had it not been for the turmoil of the struggle.他双眼紧闭,假若不是因为架打得不可开交的话,人们会认为他睡着了。

6.Oh. I thought you'd be sleeping. I never got a chance to give you your birthday present. It's a picture of where you used to pve.噢,我以为你睡着了。我一直没机会给你生日礼物。礼物就一幅你以前住的地方的画。

7.The baby seems to be sleeping. Don't make so much.孩子好像在睡觉,别这么吵。

8.He happened to be sleeping when his mother came into the room.当他妈妈进屋时,他碰巧在睡觉。

9.This evening we'll be sleeping on the floor of a wooden building that used to be a restaurant, I think.今晚我们将会睡在已是废弃餐厅的木屋地板上。

10.It dawns on the previous Wolf pretending to be sleeping, is used to lure the enemy.屠夫这才明白前面的那只狼假装睡觉,原来是用这种方式来诱惑敌方。