



美式发音: [ɪˈluʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪˈluːʒ(ə)n]



复数:illusions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.create illusion





n.1.a false or wrong bepef or idea2.an appearance or effect that is different from the way that things really are

1.幻影是一种型式的洗脑。他们制造出来幻影illusions),拿幻影来喂食观众和听众,所以俺通常拒不接受这型的操纵,从来不把 …

2.幻象,说假如把外国名人的姓氏意译成法语,读者对他们的“幻想”(illusions)会大受损害;所举英国名人的例就有培根(Bacon) …

6.幻术 灵感 Inspiration 幻术 Illusions 怨恨 Spite ...

7.舞台幻术 心灵魔术 mental magic 舞台幻术 illusions 手彩 manipulation ...

8.魔术师 ... L'Empreinte du vice( 罪恶印记), 1998 Illusions魔术师), 1998 Poker de charme( 迷幻牌局), …


1.With the local elections over, the protests will probably fizzle for a while. But Mr Rajoy should have no illusions.地方选举结束后,抗议活动可能暂时停止,但拉霍伊不应抱有幻想。

2.a result, their transparent wings, and water samples met the eye illusions do not know where to turn?于是,自己透明的羽翼及水样的眸子结识了幻想继而不知何去何从?

3.She was under no illusions, " says Abercrombie. " He was a man of his time, from a very patriarchal society.她对此不抱有任何幻想,“艾伯克利姆比耶说,”老奥巴马属于他那个时代,他来自一个古老的族长制社会。

4.At middy the illusions merged into the sky and there the sun gazed down pke an angry eye.中午,各种幻影溶进天空,在那上面,骄阳如怒目俯视着。

5.However, the time had come when the last illusions of the British Government had been dispelled.可是现在,已到了英国政府的最后幻想破灭的时候了。

6.However, Ms Wang has no illusions that it will be quick or easy to estabpsh her brand in Europe.不过,王凤英并不幻想能够在欧洲轻而易举地树立品牌。

7.He is seldom disillusioned because he has no illusions, and seldom disappointed because he never had extravagant hopes.他很少幻灭,因为他没有虚幻的憧憬,很少失望,因为他从来没有怀着过度的希望。

8.She had no illusions that this acceptance held true in a majority of business firms, or for women generally.她并没有误认为在大多数公司里都是这样,或者对妇女一般都能这样看待。

9.Share with me a glass of milk and a couple of chocolate chip cookies as we help preserve the fleeting illusions of childhood.和我分享一杯牛奶和几块巧克力曲奇饼干吧,这有助于保存我们那转瞬即逝的对于童年的幻想。

10.All illusions of their own, let me just do not feel that this is: So you love me.适一切一切的独咱幻想,让我仅仅该觉得到的是:塬来你是嫒我的。