


美式发音: [ˈbidi] 英式发音: [ˈbiːdi]



比较级:beadier  最高级:beadiest  同义词反义词





1.小圆珠般且亮晶晶的;机警的small, round and bright; watching everything closely or with suspicion

I shall certainly keep a beady eye on his behaviour.我一定会时刻睁大眼睛提防他的行为。


adj.1.beady eyes are small, round, and bright

1.珠一样的 beadwork 珠饰细工 beady 珠一样的 beady-eyed 眼睛如珠的 ...

2.像珠子一样 ... oblong 长方形 ; Beady 像珠子一样; bulging 鼓、胀; ...

3.多泡沫的 ... 泡沫绝缘 cellular insulation~foam insulation 多泡沫的 beady~foamy 泡沫值 foam number~lather value ...

4.贝蒂 apce “爱丽丝” BEADY贝蒂) serene “瑟琳”(清澈) ...

5.逼底 ... strange looking = 诗 - 君之 噜 -ㄎ应 beady = 逼底 selfish = sale fish 同音 ...


1.The boys also said "He had a very dark complexion, and pttle round eyes. . . real beady. . . set far apart. "两个男孩还说:“他肤色很黑,又小又圆的眼睛…真的很像发亮的珠子…分的很开。”

2.Beady-eyed Zedekiah Smith, the bank robber, still hung there, but even he had been pushed aside for something more important.而现在就连“鹰眼”史密斯,那个银行劫匪,都被挪到一边,好给它腾出地方。

3.A few paces away, a monstrous, meter-high sea spider was staring at me with beady eyes, poised to spring at me.离我们几步远的地方,有一只高一米的梅蜘蛛,斜着眼注视我,就要向我身上扑来。

4.His head was kind of pinched on top pke a deer's, and he had beady eyes pke a rat.他的头顶很尖,像鹿一样还有像鼠一样的豆子眼。

5.Two wicked claws grope the air before its four beady , black eyes and sharp, jagged mandibles.两只邪恶的爪子在它那四只黑色的圆眼睛和锯齿状的大颚前面晃动着。

6.I got a beady-eyed pttle man boy looking at me.我看见珠子眼男孩气的男人正在看着我。

7.He looked more the relaxed, free-range, brownish rural kind of rat than your typical beady-eyed, steal-your-cheese, gray, downtown type rat.从外形上看,它更像是一只轻松自在的棕色乡下老鼠,而不是你常见的那种眼睛贼亮、偷吃奶酪的灰色城里耗子。

8.A pair of black, beady eyes peeked out from their papery hiding place, then a yellow beak, a red bow tie, and orange feet.包装纸里钻出一对圆鼓鼓的黑眼睛,然后是黄色的喙、红色的蝴蝶结和枯黄色的脚。

9.I do not have beady eyes! -Why should we argue, sir? You have forgotten what you ordered - nothing to be ashamed of!我没有像珠子般的眼睛!我们为什麽要为此争辩呢?你只是忘记自己的点餐-没甚麽好感到难为情的!

10.Beady , black soulless eyes flash across the air.小,黑卑鄙的眼睛横跨空气闪动。