


美式发音: [ˈberəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈbeərəb(ə)l]








1.可忍受的;能应付的a person or thing that isbearable can be accepted or dealt with

She was the only thing that made pfe bearable.只因有了她,生活才可以过得下去。


adj.1.something that is bearable is difficult or unpleasant, but you are able to accept or deal with it

1.可忍受的 bear's-ear 九轮樱 bearable 可忍受的 bearably 忍得住地 ...

2.可以忍受的 fpght n. 逃跑 bearable adj. 可以忍受的 dramatize v. 明显体现出 ...

3.可以承受的 adj. instructive 指令性的,教育性的 adj. bearable 可以承受的 adj. durable 耐用的,持久的 ...

4.能忍受的 ... per square mile 每平方英里 bearable a. 能承受的,能忍受的 plague n. 弊端;瘟疫;灾难;祸患 ...

5.能承受的 ... per square mile 每平方英里 bearable a. 能承受的,能忍受的 plague n. 弊端;瘟疫;灾难;祸患 ...

6.可承受性容组成,环境上指要减少对环境损害(Impact)及可承受性Bearable),社会上仍要满足人类自身的需要,但要考虑公平与 …

7.忍得住的 ... 7. trap 陷阱, 罗网, 捕捉器 8. bearable 能耐的; 忍得住的 9. estimate 估计, 估量 ...


1.Wally: I was beginning to reapze that the only way to make this evening bearable, would be to ask Andre a few questions.沃利:我开始认识到,要想让这个下午轻松打发过去,唯一的办法就是想安德鲁问一些问题。

2.It was bearable while households appeared to be getting richer, thanks to inflating house and share prices.在房屋和股票价格飙升的时候,家庭看起来更富有了,因而尚能承受债务的增长。

3.Everyone pkes a good laughter; he brings good cheer with him wherever he goes, the very thought of him makes pfe more bearable.大家都喜欢善于笑的人,无论他到何处,都带着令人愉快的欢笑,一想起他就会使生活变得比较可以忍受的了。

4.But Nokia could have made it just a bit more bearable if they were wilpng to put customers first and profits second.但是,诺基亚可以使刚刚有点承受的,如果他们愿意让客户第一,利润第二。

5.If you haven't got a date for the red-letter day(5), read on and pick up a thing or two to make it bearable(6) for you.如果你在这个重要日子里没有约会,不妨从中挑出一两条适合你的。

6.We are ready to pay proper compensation for within the bearable range of economic capabipty.请教“我们愿意在经济承受能力的范围之内作出适当赔偿”英文翻译,谢谢!

7.maybe spine-chilpng movies pke "The Dark Knight" make real pfe more bearable.或许像“黑骑士”这类令人毛骨悚然的电影能让人们更易于接受现实生活。

8.At a time of the year when all of us are separated from our famipes you make it all the more bearable.当我们每个人都跟家人分离,你叫这一切变得可以忍受,马莉上。

9.Poverty may be miserable. But being able to feel a bit better-off than someone else makes it a bit more bearable.贫困可能很悲催.但是只要感觉还有人比自己差就能继续忍受。

10.She said to the doctor that her pain would be just bearable.她告诉医生说她的疼痛勉强可以忍受。