

hand in

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第三人称单数:hands in  现在分词:handing in  过去式:handed in  同义词反义词


v.submit,give,give in,tender,offer



na.1.to give something to a person in authority2.to say officially that you have decided to leave your job

1.上交 principal tapping 主分接/额定分接 ... hand in 上交 superintendent 负责人 ...

2.交上 hand down 把…传下来;传给 hand in 交上;递上,交进 hand in hand 手拉手;联合 ...

3.递交 hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传 hand in 交上,递交 hand on 传下来,依次传递 ...

4.交上来 instead of 代替…… 35) hand in 交上来 36) stay in bed 卧病在床 37) ...

5.提交 • dress up • 穿上盛装;装扮 • hand in • 交上;提交;呈送 • shake • v. (使)摇动; …

6.交纳 grow up 长大成人,成长 hand in 上交; 交纳 hand out 分发 ...

7.提出 Great minds think apke! 英雄所见略同. hand in 交出;提出 hand out 分发;分配 ...

8.交进 half an hour 半小时 hand in 交上,交进 hand out 发给,散发 ...


1."I don't think Kan was that critical of the BOJ, " the first source said. "The BOJ and the government have been working hand in hand. "“我不认为菅直人对日本央行吹毛求疵,”第一位消息人士称,“央行和政府一直在携手工作。”

2.But when they see an experimenter put her hand in the box, they insist that she could have done something else.但当他们看到一个实验者把手放进盒子里,他们会坚持她本可以有其他选择的。

3.He wrapped his hand in a fold of his cloak, spd the hot iron grill with its load of meat from its brackets, and set it aside.他先用自己的斗篷包住手,再把滚烫的铁制烤肉架连同上面的烤肉一起从托架上移了下来,放到一边。

4.It was a winter night in the Himalayas. We were sitting near the fireplace, so I told the monk, "You put your hand in the fire. "那是一个喜马拉雅山的冬夜,我们坐在壁炉旁,于是我告诉他:“把你的手放进火里。”

5.I tried several cups of Susanto's brew, which had been roasted by hand in an earthenware pan over a wood fire for seven to 10 minutes.我尝了几杯Susanto煮的咖啡,他将咖啡豆放在木头火堆上的陶土锅里,手工炒了7到10分钟。

6.She put her hand in and pulled it out. It was an old key.她伸手进去拣出来,是一把旧钥匙。

7.Modern instruments of precision are being used to make things crooked as if by eye and hand in the old days.现在,用精密仪器把直的东西弄弯,在过去则是靠手和眼睛。

8.When they reached the fortieth floor he put his hand in his pocket for the key to the door of his apartment . lt wasn't there.但是当他们最终来到公寓门的时候,他正准备拿钥匙开门,却发现钥匙没有在口袋里。

9.Under certain circumstances, you may feel as though you cannot express the matter at hand in less than three (3) sentences.在某些特定的情况下,你可能觉得在少于三句话时不知如何表达该问题。

10.The children prepared a nice surprise for my birthday, but I think my wife had a hand in it too.孩子们为我的生日准备了一件意想不到的美好礼物,不过我想我妻子也参与了这件事。