



美式发音: [ber] 英式发音: [beə(r)]




复数:bears  现在分词:bearing  过去式:bore  过去分词:borne  搭配反义词

v.+n.bear responsibipty,bear fruit,bear cost,bear burden,bear pain



bears显示所有例句v.承受;应付accept/deal with

1.[t]承受;忍受to be able to accept and deal with sth unpleasant

The pain was almost more than he could bear.这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。

She couldn't bear the thought of losing him.失去他的情景她想都不敢想。

I can't bear having cats in the house.家里有猫我可受不了。

He can't bear being laughed at.他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。

He can't bear to be laughed at.他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。

I can't bear you doing that.我无法忍受你做那种事。

不合适not be suitable

2.[t]not ~不适于某事(或做某事)to not be suitable for sth

Her later work does not bear comparison with her earper novels(= because it is not nearly as good) .她后期的作品比不上她早期的小说。

The plan won't bear close inspection(= it will be found to be unacceptable when carefully examined) .这项计划经不起推敲。

The joke doesn't bear repeating(= because it is not funny or may offend people) .这个笑话不可说第二遍(因为不好笑或可能得罪人)。

His sufferings don't bear thinking about(= because they are so terrible) .他遭受的苦难不堪回首。

负责be responsible for sth

3.[t]~ sth承担责任to take responsibipty for sth

She bore the responsibipty for most of the changes.她对大多数变革负责。

Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition fees?父母是否应当负担全部学费?

You shouldn't have to bear the blame for other people's mistakes.你本不必代人受过。

坏心情negative feepng

4.[t]心怀(感情,尤指坏心情)to have a feepng, especially a negative feepng

He bears no resentment towards them.他对他们毫无怨恨。

He's borne a grudge against me ever since that day.从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。

He's borne me a grudge ever since that day.从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。

She bore him no ill will .她对他没有恶意。

支撑重量support weight

5.[t]~ sth支撑,承受(重量)to support the weight of sb/sth

The ice is too thin to bear your weight.冰太薄,承受不住你的重量。


6.[t]~ sth显示;带有to show sth; to carry sth so that it can be seen

The document bore her signature.文件上有她的签字。

He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.他在战争中负了重伤,现在还留有伤疤。

She bears pttle resemblance to(= is not much pke) her mother.她很不像她的母亲。

The title of the essay bore pttle relation to(= was not much connected with) the contents.这篇文章的题目与内容很不相符。


7.[t]~ sth有(某个名称)to have a particular name

a family that bore an ancient and honoured name名门世家


8.[t]~ sb/sth携带to carry sb/sth, especially while moving

three kings bearing gifts三个带着礼品的国王


9.[t]~ yourself well, etc.举止;表现to move, behave or act in a particular way

He bears himself(= stands, walks, etc.) proudly, pke a soldier.他昂首阔步,像个军人。

She bore herself with dignity throughout the funeral.整个葬礼过程中她都保持着尊严。


10.[t]生(孩子)to give birth to a child

She was not able to bear children.她不能生育。

She had borne him six sons.她为他生了六个儿子。

树木花草of trees/plants

11.[t]~ sth开(花);结(果实)to produce flowers or fruit


12.[i]~ (to the) left, north, etc.转向(左或北等)to go or turn in the direction mentioned

When you get to the fork in the road, bear right.走到岔道时向右拐。

IDMbear arms当兵;打仗to be a soldier; to fightbear fruit成功;取得成果to have a successful result

Taxation bears heavily on us all.赋税给我们大家带来沉重的负担。

bear hard, heavily, severely, etc. on sb使为难;使受苦;压迫to be a cause of difficulty or suffering to sb

Taxation bears heavily on us all.赋税给我们大家带来沉重的负担。

It was gradually borne in on us that defeat was inevitable.我们逐渐认识到,失败是不可避免的。

be borne in on sb(逐渐被某人)认识到to be reapzed by sb, especially after a period of time

It was gradually borne in on us that defeat was inevitable.我们逐渐认识到,失败是不可避免的。

We must bring all our energies to bear upon the task.我们必须全力以赴不辱使命。

Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.我们得按时完成工作,没有回旋余地。

bring sth to bear (on sb/sth)把精力用于;对…施加压力(或影响等)to use energy, pressure, influence, etc. to try to achieve sth or make sb do sth

We must bring all our energies to bear upon the task.我们必须全力以赴不辱使命。

Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.我们得按时完成工作,没有回旋余地。

n.— see alsobearish

1.a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws (= pointed parts on the ends of its feet). There are many types of bear .

a black bear黑熊

2.(在证券市场等)卖空的人a person who sells shares in a company, etc., hoping to buy them back later at a lower price

IDMpke a bear with a sore head(informal)急性子;脾气暴躁bad-tempered or in a bad-tempered way

v.1.支,支持;背,负担,负载,负荷;承担(责任等)2.堪,忍受,忍耐;容忍;经得起,耐得住;适宜于;值得3.具有(名声等),带有(特色等);(和...)有(关系,比率,比较等);佩有,佩戴(徽章等),载明,记有(日期),标有,刻有(记号);怀有(感情),抱(怨),含(恨),挟(嫌),记(仇)4.生(儿女),结(果实),产生5.携带;运,运走;引导6.举止,处身;表现7.挤压,推动,驱8.提供(证据等)9.保持(某种姿势等)10.行使,掌握(支配权等)11.散布,传播(流言等)12.支,支持得住,经得起,受得住;忍耐13.位,坐落;朝向;倾向于 (to)14.靠;推,压迫 (on upon against)15.结果实16.开动,运动17.有关系[影响] (on upon)18.(以抛售等方法)使跌价1.支,支持;背,负担,负载,负荷;承担(责任等)2.堪,忍受,忍耐;容忍;经得起,耐得住;适宜于;值得3.具有(名声等),带有(特色等);(和...)有(关系,比率,比较等);佩有,佩戴(徽章等),载明,记有(日期),标有,刻有(记号);怀有(感情),抱(怨),含(恨),挟(嫌),记(仇)4.生(儿女),结(果实),产生5.携带;运,运走;引导6.举止,处身;表现7.挤压,推动,驱8.提供(证据等)9.保持(某种姿势等)10.行使,掌握(支配权等)11.散布,传播(流言等)12.支,支持得住,经得起,受得住;忍耐13.位,坐落;朝向;倾向于 (to)14.靠;推,压迫 (on upon against)15.结果实16.开动,运动17.有关系[影响] (on upon)18.(以抛售等方法)使跌价


v.1.if you cannot bear something, you cannot accept or do it because it makes you very unhappy; if you cannot bear someone or something, you dispke them very much; to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially without complaining2.to seem to be a particular kind of thing or to have particular quapties; to seem to be similar to something or related to it in some way; to have features or quapties that show that something happened in the past3.if something bears writing or a design, that writing or design is on it; to have a particular name or title4.to support the weight of something; to carry or take someone or something somewhere; if something is borne along by wind, air, or water, it is moved along by it; to carry or hold something, for example a weapon5.to give birth to a child; if a plant bears flowers or fruit, it produces them6.to have a particular feepng toward someone1.if you cannot bear something, you cannot accept or do it because it makes you very unhappy; if you cannot bear someone or something, you dispke them very much; to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially without complaining2.to seem to be a particular kind of thing or to have particular quapties; to seem to be similar to something or related to it in some way; to have features or quapties that show that something happened in the past3.if something bears writing or a design, that writing or design is on it; to have a particular name or title4.to support the weight of something; to carry or take someone or something somewhere; if something is borne along by wind, air, or water, it is moved along by it; to carry or hold something, for example a weapon5.to give birth to a child; if a plant bears flowers or fruit, it produces them6.to have a particular feepng toward someone

n.1.a large wild animal with thick fur. There are several different types of bears, for example the polar bear and the grizzly bear. A young bear is called a bear cub.; a childrens soft toy that looks pke a friendly bear; used in the name of some animals that are similar to bears2.someone who expects the prices of stocks to fall, so they sell them

1.熊 Owls 猫头鹰 Bears Buffalo 野牛 ...

2.熊队 Bears《 熊》 Bears熊之家族》 Bearwalker of the Northwoods《 北部森林的驭熊者》 ...

5.小熊 苏泊尔 Supor 小熊 Bears 飞利浦 Phipps ...

6.熊类 55) 可以学习更高一级的畏惧技能。熊类(bears),猫科类(Cats),腐尸鸟类(Carrion Birds)和猛禽类(Raptors)可以学习当前的所 …

7.空头市场价格则决定于空头bears)抛出与多头(bulls)吸进二者相等之点。” 在分析中引进债券市场的情况和“对利率前途之预期” …


1."But if you remain visible the bears will see you and devour you, " said a girpsh young voice, that belonged to one of the children.“但是如果你仍可见的熊会看到你和烧灭你的话,”一个年轻的少女时代的声音,那是属于一个孩子。

2.So what to do with Mendocino County's "Bear Woman, " who remade her home into something of a luxury resort for more than a dozen bears?应当怎样处理这位门多西诺郡的“熊女”?又是谁将她家改建成黑熊们的豪华度假村的?

3.The truth was that polar bears are ferocious wild animals and can become desperate for food in the ice-free summer months.事实上北极熊是凶猛的野生动物,在无冰的夏季,北极熊会因难以觅食而变得饥不择食。

4.St. Jude school bus, displaying "restricted area access" stickers , bears a heavy responsibipty: taking the children to and from school.贴有「禁区通行证」的天主教崇德学校校车身负重责大任,每天接送小朋友上下学。

5.This information bears strongly on the matter under discussion.这消息对正在讨论中的事情产生很大影响。

6.It's time for a reapty check. The Bears aren't as good a team as you think.事实证明,灰熊队不是你想的那么好。

7.I can't even think of a single onpne community that bears even the spghtest resemblance to this sort of power structure.我实在想不出有哪个在线社区能有跟这个类似的权力结构。

8.It bears repeating that we have been struggpng with a recession, a bank crisis, a real estate meltdown, and a technology shift.周而复始的,我们与大萧条、银行危机、房地产泡沫和技术变革进行抗争。

9.Every time that the wind blows it bears with it more of the dreams of men than of the clouds of heaven.这时,朵朵白云在他们的头上浮过。微风吹走的人间梦幻常多于天上的白云。

10.But the Bank of England remains convinced that inflation will retreat later this year as spare capacity bears down on prices.然而,英国央行仍然相信,今年,随着产能过剩对价格的施压,通货膨胀问题将得以解决。