


美式发音: [ˈbivər] 英式发音: [ˈbiːvə(r)]



第三人称单数:beavers  现在分词:beavering  过去式:beavered  同义词反义词

v.laze around

v.work,labour,labor,toil,exert yourself



1.[c]河狸(生活在水边,会筑坝,是加拿大的象征)an animal with a wide flat tail and strong teeth. Beavers pve in water and on land and can build dams (= barriers across rivers) made of pieces of wood and mud. It is an official symbol of Canada.

2.[u]河狸毛皮(用以制作衣帽)the fur of the beaver , used in making hats and clothes

3.[c]女子阴部the area around a woman's sex organs


n.1.海狸,海獭2.海狸皮;獭皮帽;礼帽,高帽;獭皮手套3.【印,纺】海狸呢;海狸绒布4.〈美俚〉(下巴上的)大胡子;蓄胡子的人5.工作勤恳的人6.〈俚〉干扰雷达的电台;轻[中]型飞机加油装置7.美国 Oregon 州人8.(头盔遮防颜面下部的)护面甲;脸罩9.〈美俚〉胡须;留有漂亮胡须的人,美髯公1.海狸,海獭2.海狸皮;獭皮帽;礼帽,高帽;獭皮手套3.【印,纺】海狸呢;海狸绒布4.〈美俚〉(下巴上的)大胡子;蓄胡子的人5.工作勤恳的人6.〈俚〉干扰雷达的电台;轻[中]型飞机加油装置7.美国 Oregon 州人8.(头盔遮防颜面下部的)护面甲;脸罩9.〈美俚〉胡须;留有漂亮胡须的人,美髯公

n.1.a small North American animal that has a wide flat tail and thick fur. Beavers cut down trees with their teeth and build damswalls across streams.2.the fur of a beaver, used for making clothes such as hats and coats3.an offensive word for the area around a womans sex organs

1.海狸 dormouse 睡鼠 beaver 河狸 marmot 土拨鼠 ...

3.水獭 beast n 动物,牛马,家畜 beaver n 海狸,海獭 behave v 处身,行为,做人,举止,表现 ...

6.水狸水狸 (beaver)狐狸 (fox)熊狸 (binturong)相关词: 谢谢您的回覆^__^ 发表评价: 正面 普通 负面 评价内容:

7.海狸皮狭义上的北美毛皮贸易仅指猎取和交换带有优质皮毛的动物皮,尤其是海狸皮beaver)的行为。当时海狸分布在北美的绝大 …


1.Mr Beaver: I could have given a week if I thought it would've helped.水獭先生:要是有必要的话,我会提前一个星期告诉你。

2.When he swims, a beaver holds his unwebbed front feet up close to his body, and pushes out with his webbed rear ones.当它游泳时将无蹼的前脚收起紧靠躯体,伸出有蹼的后脚奋力推进。

3.She had on her beaver coat, she was smoking a cigarette, and she seemed to be looking in the direction of our game.玛丽穿着她一贯的海狸皮大衣,吸着一贯的烟,似乎正专注而投入地看着比赛。

4.You want to help travelers from outer space - beaver, repair his spacecraft and is ready to survive the harsh winter.你要帮助从外太空来的旅行者--海狸,修理他的太空船,并准备度过严酷的冬天。

5.After checking into a motel room in Beaver, the exhausted trucker collapsed on the bed in his sooty clothes and phoned his wife.在海哩的汽车旅馆入住之后,这个疲惫的卡车司机穿着他乌黑的衣服摊在床上,打电话给他的妻子。

6.But a beaver's teeth are also continually growing up from the bottom as they are being ground down from the top.当河狸的牙齿从顶部不断地磨损时,同时也不停地从根部向上生长着。

7.But unpke humans, any one beaver can embody all the skills of a lumberjack, a carpenter, an architect, a surveyor and a hydro-engineer.但不同于人类的是,任何一个河狸都拥有伐木工,木匠,设计师,调查员和水电工程师的技能。

8.The Chief had hold of the sleeve of her beaver coat, but she got away from him.酋长扯着她的袖子,但她挣脱了。

9.Brought up in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, by a single mother, she learnt trombone at school and played in the marching band.她自幼在宾夕法尼亚州的比弗福尔斯生活,单身母亲把她一手带大。蕾切尔在学校学会了长号并在行进乐队演出过。

10.I had a man once send me a chip of wood that showed the marks of a beaver's teeth.曾经有人送我一段木片,上面有山狸的齿痕。