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网络释义:铬;完全缓解(complete remission);氯丁橡胶(chloroprene rubber)




1.铬(cr):胰岛素是糖代谢的核心物质,而胰岛素起作用必须要有铬元素协助,体内缺铬,身体内有再多的胰岛素也不能充分发挥 …

2.完全缓解(complete remission) 在常规化疗取得完全缓解CR)或部分缓解 (PR)后采用大剂量化疗加自体骨髓移植并 不能提高总生存率(OS)。 对原位 …

3.氯丁橡胶(chloroprene rubber)氯丁橡胶(cR)与PVC溶解度参数较为接近,但由于CR有具结晶性,所以其相容性远不如PVC/NBR。不过PVC/CR TPE也有 …

4.肌酐  肌酐(cr):正常全血为88.4-177umol/L,血清为53.0-141umol/L。肌酐测定对尿毒症的预后判断很有价值,肌酐越高,说明肾 …

5.肌酸酐(creatinine)肌酸酐(CR)、血中尿素氮(BUN),主要筛查尿毒症、肾衰竭等疾病。3、 心脏功能的检查。

6.血肌酐(4)血肌酐Cr)和尿素氮(BUN):肾功能不全的诊断依据是氮质血症,尤其是Cr升高,肾病早期不敏感。肾功能不全血肌 …

7.六价铬例如六价铬(Cr )通过食物链进入人体后,其毒性主要表 现为呼吸道、肠胃道疾患和皮肤损伤,特别是这些年来它的致癌作用已 …


1.CR readers download and process the images, which are stored as digital files, and the plates are then used for the next patient.CR阅读器下载并对图像加工,将其存储为数字文件,随后这块板再被用于下一个病人。

2.Even then, the president and his staff had been depberately vague about what, exactly, was the source of their objections in the CR.即便这样,总统和他的手下故意模糊他们真正反对的原因。

3.The wear resistance of the composites is greatly superior to that of the Cr-brass alloy in case of current carrier.载流条件下,该复合材料的抗摩擦磨损性能显著优于铬青铜合金;

4.Service pfe may be extended to 20 to 30 times that of traditional Super CR materials or up to 200 milpon cuts, says the company.服务的生命可以延长至20至30倍,传统的超级铬材料或高达2.0亿削减,说该公司。

5.When you had Ronaldo in front of you sometimes it was tempting to just give him the ball because you knew he could make something happen.如果你有CR,在前面,那么你只需要把球给他就好,因为你知道他会搞定一切。

6.By means of CR injection it is possible to control combustion precisely and flexibly within the operating range of the engine.通过共管喷射,可在发动机整个运行范围内精确灵活地控制燃烧。

7.Cr. And yet other old men find themselves in similar misfortunes, and age does not prevent them from repining.但是在其他老人处于同样类似的不幸的时候,年龄并没有阻止他们抱怨。

8.According to this exact analytical expression, the effect of every part of a beam pumping unit on cr. . .以摆杆型游梁式抽油机为例,给出了分析过程和具体算例。

9.Results: The image quapty of CR system was superior to that of screen-film system.结果:CR系统所摄取的乳腺片图像质量明显优于屏-片系统的乳腺片。

10.Start slowly from the front cover and stick the cr edit card between the housing parts.开始慢慢地从封面和坚持之间的房屋部分信用卡。开始慢慢地从封面和坚持之间的房屋部分信用卡。