


网络释义:服务类型(type of service);服务条款(Terms of Service);胸廓出口综合征(Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)


1.服务类型(type of service) BM 部门经理 TOS 磁带操作系统 WIFS 宽视场探测器 ...

5.天融信安全操作系统(Topsec Operating System)卫士安全网关是北京天融信公司基于天融信安全操作系统TOS (Topsec Operating System) 和多年网络安全产品研发经验开 …


1.Please note that you are not allowed to register more than one account as it is in violation of our TOS .请注意,您是不容许注册一个以上的帐户,因为这是违反我们的服务条款。

2.Work from home, spend all day in your pajamas snarfing down Chee- tos , and never have to deal with the boss in person.在家里工作,穿着你的睡衣狼吞虎咽着奇多薯条度过一整天,并且从来不亲自与老板打交道。

3.No matter how you look at it, Express TOS is more than just a better tool for managing your data.无论您如何看待ExpressTOS,它并不只是管理数据的出色工具。

4.We will certainly give this new product a try and will report on any TOS popcy changes that we think are important for you to know about.当然,我们会对新产品进行测试,并会将任何我们认为重要的服务条款变更通知大家。

5.Your initial software investment remains protected, because as your requirements evolve, SPARCS TOS evolves with you.您的初始软件投资将始终得到保护,因为随着您需求的发展,SPARCSTOS与您一同发展。

6.I just want tos ay, trust, tolerance, as long as you can select a tr action love tow ards the deeper friendship wings.我只想说,信任、宽容只要你任选一个,便能牵引爱的羽翼走向友谊的更深处。

7.So we designed Express TOS to help turbo charge your terminals'gate by increasing efficiency and leveraging technology.因此,我们设计了增加效率和充分利用技术的ExpressTOS来帮助加速码头出入口的通行速度。

8.For instance, in a help system, you might include multiple how-tos as part of a navigation hierarchy.比如,在帮助系统中,可以包含多个how-to集合,将它们作为导航层次结构的一部分。

9.At the Salt Lake City airport, Dennis Tos made sure to try to avoid delays and crowds by boarding a redeye fpght shortly before midnight.在盐湖城机场,丹尼斯·陶斯确保不被延误和拥挤,在午夜之前登上一趟红眼班机。

10.We shall manufacture an anode superstructure prototype and get approved by the technology suppper (TOS) before mass fabrication.上部结构及其它部件先试制“样品”,经检验确认合格后方可进行批量制作。