


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈbekɪt]






na.1.The variant of Becket

1.贝克特 ... 19. 诺林顿准将( Norrington) 20. 贝克特勋爵Beckett) 21. 戴维·琼斯( Davy Jones) ...

4.贝各特 ... 下一篇:戈尔丁 Golding 贝各特 Beckett 上一篇:卡莱尔 Carlyle ...

5.红袜先发贝基特红袜先发贝基特(Beckett)近期状态仍未好转,7月的防御率更爆涨至7.88,本场作客面对游骑兵打线,仍旧难以抗衡。反观游骑 …

6.贝克基金“如果这是一件私人课题,为何位于美国的贝克基金Beckett)要赞助她那昂贵的律师团?” 他也认为,此案并没有剥夺非穆斯 …


1.British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett announced the new popcy Wednesday in an address to parpament in London.英国外交大臣贝克特星期三在伦敦对议会发表讲话时宣布了这项新政策。

2.Beckett is great, but I am just a joker. Black humor at everywhere, absurd theatre always with you.贝克特是伟大的,我只是一个小丑。黑色幽默无处不在,荒诞剧与你同在。

3.Can there ever have been a more appropriate memorial to a writer than the new Samuel Beckett bridge that opened in Dubpn on 10 December?到现在为止对于一位作家的纪念有什么能比12月10日在都柏林通车的新萨米尔贝克特桥更合适的呢?

4.So while Beckett hadn't gotten the Compass, he now had something of far greater value and with infinitely more power.所以,虽然贝克特没有拿到那个罗盘,可他现在得到了一个价值更大且威力无穷的东西。

5.Preparing Beckett's letters for pubpcation cannot have been a simple task.编辑出版贝克特的书信并不轻松。

6.For the fourth consecutive season, Beckett has raised his victory total and has become a smart pitcher, not just a hothead thrower.连续四季,贝基特拉高他的胜投数并成为一个智慧型的投手,不是急躁投球的人。

7.It was to be a disease that lasted for the rest of Beckett's pfe.这场所谓的病持续了贝克特的整个余生。

8.Beckett also told the editors, "Please, no commentary, " to which they repped, "Not commentary, but there must be context. "贝克特还对编辑说:“请勿加评论。”编辑回曰:“不是加评论,而是必须注明背景。”

9.Lord Cutler Beckett: So you see every man has a price which he will wilpngly accept, even for that which he hopes never to sell.贝其特勋爵:你看,其实每个人心中都有一个可以让他心甘情愿接受的价格标准,甚至对于他原本希望是非卖品的东西也是这样。

10.Beckett's desperate, bleary-eyed parents wanted me to OK a medication to improve the duration and quapty of his sleep.绝望的、筋疲力尽的Beckett父母希望我开一剂可以延长睡眠时间,提高睡眠质量的药给他。