


美式发音: ['pedrʊ] 英式发音: ['piːdrəʊ]






1.佩德罗等多次纪录直孙5次 …

4.彼得罗 ... wwww( 老赵) Pedro( 佩刀) NIGHTFIRE( 昵称不告诉你们) ...

6.佩德罗王子好?);另一方面阿丰索四世为自己的儿子、王位继承人佩德罗王子Pedro)定了一桩婚事,亲家是卡斯蒂利亚的一个显赫 …

7.皮德罗侣萨林(Salem)、守护灵马里奥(Mario)、皮德罗Pedro)等,并且成立医疗中心,每月一次以为期一周研讨会的方式, …

8.彼得牌戏 ... impedimental adj. 妨碍的,阻碍的 pedro n. 彼得牌戏(一种纸牌戏) pedometer n. 步程计,步数计 ...


1.The island's governor, Pedro Gallardo, said it was extraordinary that almost everyone survived, and joined a chorus calpng it a miracle.该岛长官佩德罗•加拉多表示,几乎所有人都活下来了,非常不可思议。他同人们一样连声惊叹,称这是一次奇迹。

2.You know, Pedro, there is no way I can repay the kindness that you and your family have shown me.你知道吗,佩德罗,你和你的家人对我的恩情我没有办法还报你们。

3.With wonderful presence of mind, Don Pedro, the cruel sire, rushed in, dragged out his daughter, with a hasty aside. . .那位冷酷的父亲唐·佩德罗头脑极为冷静,他冲进去拖出自己的女儿,一把拉向身边。

4.You were born to be a fisherman as the fish was born to be a fish. San Pedro was a fisherman as was the father of the great DiMaggio.你生来就是一个渔夫,就像大鱼生来就是一条鱼一样,桑匹德罗是个渔夫,就像狄玛基欧的父亲一样也是个渔夫。

5.Pedro: I'll make you a bet. How much? Five dollars?佩德罗:我和你打赌。赌多少?五美元?

6.Miguel: Pedro made a new girlfriend when he took a bus!米盖尔:佩德罗交了一个新的女朋友,在坐公共汽车的时候!

7.Electronic engineer Pedro Monagas said the gadget called "Why Cry" would soon go on sale at pharmacies in Spain.电子工程师佩德罗-莫纳加斯说,这种名为“哭啥”的装置很快就会在西班牙的药店里上市。

8.Pedro is attractive. There's no doubt about it. Women are crazy about him. But he's spoiled.无可置疑的,佩德罗是很迷人的,女孩们都为他痴狂,但他被宠坏了。

9.Mother: Clean up the mess in your room, Pedro. Pedro: I don't have the time, Mom. Don't you know I'm a busy man?妈妈:佩德罗,把你乱糟糟的房间打扫干净。佩德罗:妈妈,我没时间。您不知道我是个大忙人吗?

10."If he had received support at the time he asked for it, he would still be with us, " said his brother Pedro Garza.他的弟弟佩德罗·加尔萨这样表示:“如果他当时能获得所要求的相应帮助,他应该还是和我们在说话”。