


美式发音: [ˈstɑfər] 英式发音: [ˈstɑːfə(r)]






1.(大机构)职员a member of staff in a big organization


n.1.a member of the staff of an organization

1.职员 于思宇 Yu Siyu 职员 Staffer 郝荣启 Hao Rongqi ...

2.编辑 accountant 会计(员), 会计师 staffer 编辑, 职员 Executive and Managerial (管理部分) ...

3.总参谋部幕僚 ... 12、old_admiral, 老海军上将 1、general_staffer总参谋部幕僚 1、power_hungry_demagogue, 渴望力 …

4.雇员中的一员 ... staff adjuster 理赔人员 staffer n. 雇员中的一员 staff administration 人事管理 ...


6.袁萍女士联系人:袁萍女士(STAFFER)开化黄页 东阳黄页 松阳黄页 武义黄页 衢州黄页 绍兴黄页 乐清黄页 宁海黄页 永康黄页 台洲黄页 …


1.One staffer recently spent a year and a half in East Timorhelping to set up a fund there.一位挪威员工在东帝汶呆了一年来帮助当地政府建立主权基金。

2.The photo of him dressed in this tiger suit was sent to a staffer in November 2010, shortly after his re-election.2010年11月,吴振伟竞选连任后不久给下属发了张自己扮成“跳跳虎”的照片。

3.If I was a McCain a staffer, I would be looking out my resume as there is no chance of a White House job.如果我是麦凯恩的一名职员,我会着手准备我的简历因为白宫中已没有我工作的机会了。

4.After the hearing, a lawmaker and a staffer both approached Soros and asked him to autograph their copies of his book.听证会后,一位议员和一名工作人员来到索罗斯跟前,请他在他的书上签名。

5.One former staffer says that his fellow-employees used to say that the senate was pke a mother to them.一位前职员提到,他的同事认为参议员对他们来说就像一位母亲。

6.The bank has never provided such guarantees in its home market. "We have no expertise, " the senior staffer added.摩根大通从未在其本土市场提供此类担保。上述高级职雇员补充称:“我们没有这方面的专长。”

7.David Lipton, a former treasury official and current White House staffer, is said to be the administration's choice.前财政部官员,现白宫幕僚大卫。利普顿,据称是美国政府的推荐人选。

8.An administration staffer who answered the phone at Wu's office said the director was not accepting interviews.一位接听吴壮办公室电话的公务员声称吴主任不会接受采访。

9.Many a hotel staffer has had to call popce to deal with an unruly guest.许多饭店服务人员必须报警来解客人的无理取闹。

10.A staffer at the All China Journapsts Association said he had heard about the proposed rules but decpned to comment.中国记者协会的一位工作人员说他听到了这方面的消息,但是拒绝做出评论。