


美式发音: [ˌstætʃuˈet] 英式发音: [.stætʃu'et]



复数:statuettes  同义词




1.小雕像;小塑像a small statue


n.1.a small statue

1.小雕像 milponette 小百万富翁 statuette 小雕像 balconette 小阳台 ...

2.小塑像 booklet 小书, statuette 小塑像 - ology 学问 ...

3.奥斯卡金像 Red carpet 红地毯 Statuette 奥斯卡金像 Nominee 被提名者 ...

4.小雕塑 Statuary n. 雕塑 Statuette n. 小雕塑 Totem n. 图腾 ...


1.At these exclusive parties, the guests celebrate the evening, movies and a pttle golden statuette known as "Oscar. "在这些对来宾限制严格的聚会上,宾客们齐聚一堂庆祝金像奖之夜,电影,和被叫做“奥斯卡”的小金人。

2.Recently she found a black virgin statuette cemented to the rock face.近来她还发现在岩石的表面上粘了一个黑色天然的小雕像。

3.No matter what you see me or hear me saying when I'm on your TV holding a statuette spewing, that's acting.当你在电视上看到我,手拿奖杯侃侃而谈时,不要看我穿了什么,或者说了什么,那都只是表演。

4.A masterpiece of early Egyptian carving is an ivory statuette of Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid.早期的埃及牙雕杰作中是古夫小雕像,即吉萨金字塔的建造者之像。

5.Ledger's parents afterward said his Oscar statuette would be held in trust by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.莱杰的父母后来说他的小金人将由美国电影艺术与科学学院保管。

6.It seems apve, and even this funny statuette seems to have a soul.这座城市看起来活力四射,甚至这座有趣的小塑像好像也有灵魂。

7.Emmy: a statuette awarded annually by the academy of Television arts and Sciences for outstanDing achievement in television.艾美奖:美国电视艺术和科学学会每年颁发给在电视节目上有突出成就者的小雕像。

8.The flamboyant pop singer took home the best short-form video statuette for "Bad Romance, " beating awards front-runner Eminem.出风头的流行歌手捧回最佳短形式的视频雕像“坏演义”打奖领跑者阿姆。

9.Engineer Ray Feeney received an Oscar statuette, the first of the season, for technological contributions to the industry.工程师雷·费尼获得了今年的首座奥斯卡小金人,以表彰他在技术方面对电影工业的贡献。

10.Since that year, starting with a somewhat arbitrary number 501, each Oscar statuette has worn his serial number behind his heels.从那一年起,人们任意取了一个数字,从501号开始标记,从此每一个奥斯卡小雕像鞋跟后都会有一个序号。