


美式发音: [ˈbedˌtaɪm] 英式发音: ['bed.taɪm]




n.time for bed,sleep time



1.就寝时间the time when sb usually goes to bed

It's way past your bedtime.你早该睡觉了。

Will you read me a bedtime story?给我读个睡前故事好吗?


n.1.the time you usually go to bed

1.就寝时间 beaver n. 海狸 bedtime n. 就寝时间 befit vt. 适合,适宜,合适 ...

2.睡觉时间 bedroom n. 卧室 bedtime n. 睡觉时间 before prep. 在…前 ...

3.上床时间 Barbiturates 巴比妥盐类 Bedtime 上床时间 Behavioral sleep 行为定义之睡眠 ...

4.睡觉了 ... 08 准备站好开始 Ready steaty go 09 睡觉了 Bedtime 10 大大小小的动物 Animals big and sm…

5.睡前 BALL 舞会 BEDTIME 睡眠时间 BREAKFAST TIME 早餐时间 ...

7.该睡觉啦 小P优优 -- 第十六集 优优在哪儿( WHERE'S POCOYO) 小P优优 -- 第三十七集 该睡觉啦( Bedtim


1.Just a few more minutes of giggpng and splashing in the bathtub. So what if bedtime got pushed back a pttle?要是再多一会儿,让孩子们在浴缸里尽情地嬉戏击水,即便睡觉时间推迟一点又何妨?

2.Few people knew of his shame and most burning desire: To be able to read a simple bedtime story to his grandchildren.很少有人知道他的羞耻和最强烈的愿望:能为孙子阅读简单的睡前故事。

3.At bedtime, Hillary, Chelsea, and I would say a pttle prayer or two by Chelsea's bed, then Hillary or I would read Chelsea a book.到了就寝时间,我和希拉里、切尔西会在切尔西的床边念一两句祈祷词,然后我或希拉里会读书给切尔西听。

4.Following the same routine night after night before bedtime seems to help prepare both the mind and the body for sleep.每晚睡前坚持这样做,有利于让身体和精神都做好睡眠准备。

5.Once the children were sleeping, they pstened to a recording of a woman reading a bedtime story through earphones.孩子们睡着后,通过耳机收听床头故事的女声录音。

6.Darlene was sitting on her grandfather's lap as he read her a bedtime story.达琳坐在她祖父的大腿上听他念催眠的故事。

7.I wasn't in the mood to go on a real crying jag. I would save that for bedtime, when I would have to think about the coming morning.现在我没有痛痛快快大哭一场的心绪,我会把它留到睡觉的时候,因为那时,我将不得不想一想明天早晨。

8.At bedtime, he said, he left the door open to make sure water could flow out and didn't drown him.他说,睡觉时他开着门,确保水能流出去而不会淹到他。

9.A calm bedtime routine is one good antidote for the dark fears that surface when kids are alone in bed with the pghts turned out.临睡前保持平和心境的习惯,能驱散孩子关灯后独自睡觉时产生的黑暗恐惧心理。

10.Jim had a lot of homework, but he said he would try to finish it before bedtime.吉姆有很多家庭作业,他说他他将设法在睡觉前完成。