




1.选择一 – Large Conference Rooms 大型会议室 Option One: 选择一 Option Two: 选择二 ...

2.方案一 2008-06-16 14:29扬威将军刘敏|二级 Project One 方案一 Option One 方案二 Opti…

3.投票给第一个选择 ... > Terrain Snow 转换当前地型为雪地。 > Option One 投票给第一个选择。 > Option Two 投票给第二 …

4.引导区礼仪介绍环节亮点介绍(三) “‘联想号’蓝海价值之旅”签到引导区礼仪介绍option one) Theme Creation 签到环节亮点介绍(四) “‘ …

5.扬帆仪式Flow Design “联想”号蓝海价值之旅 —扬帆仪式(option one) “联想”号蓝海价值之旅 —扬帆仪式(option one) 由大联想顾委会代 …


1.For Web workers, XML is an option: One can choose to think in terms of, say, XHTML, but alternatives exist.对于Web工作人员来说,XML是一种选择:他们可以选择以比如说XHTML方式思考,但是也存在备选方式。

2.Zebra was an intriguing option, one that had received good recommendations from reviewers on the Internet.Zebra是一个明智的选择,它在网络上得到了诸多的好评。

3.But there is another option: one in which the US stays engaged in Asia to balance China's power, but does not try to dominate Asia itself.但还有另一选项:即美国存续并制衡着中国力量,但是仅靠其自身却又无法主导亚洲。

4.Option One: Did the Supreme Court misinterpret the Fourteenth Amendment in the cases from Slaughterhouse to the turn of the century?选项一:最高法院在从屠宰场案到未20世纪初有否曲解了第十四修正案?

5.In choosing the right security option, one of the things a developer has to choose between is the level of security and performance.在选择合适的安全选项时,开发人员必须在安全级别和性能级别之间作出选择。

6.Option one: I was crazy. That was the layman's term for people who heard voices in their heads.选择一:我疯了。通常有人脑中响起别人的声音,就会得到这样的评断。

7.If getting a mortgage is not an option, one can always pay cash.如果不能贷款的话,总是可以付全款的。

8.Option one: Use Jmystiq to generate an analysis sequence.选项1:利用Jmystiq生成一个分析序列

9.(Step1)Users chose option one.(步骤1)用户选择的选项之一。