



美式发音: [baʊnd] 英式发音: [baʊnd]





第三人称单数:bounds  现在分词:bounding  过去式:bounded  同义词反义词



v.border,border on,be contiguous to,touch,be adjacent to




1.限制范围;极限the accepted or furthest pmits of sth

beyond/outside/within the bounds of decency没体统;有体统

Pubpc spending must be kept within reasonable bounds.公共开支必须控制在合理的范围内。

It was not beyond the bounds of possibipty that they would meet again one day.他们有一天会再度相遇,这不是没有可能。

His enthusiasm knew no bounds(= was very great) .他有无限热情。


His shot went out of bounds.他的球出界了。

His demands were out of bounds.他的要求不合理。

out of bounds出界;界外outside the area of play which is allowed

His shot went out of bounds.他的球出界了。

不合理的;令人无法接受的not reasonable or acceptable

His demands were out of bounds.他的要求不合理。

out of bounds (to/for sb)不准进入;禁止入内if a place isout of bounds , people are not allowed to go there


v.1.“bind”的过去分词和过去式2.限,限制3.形成...的界限[边界],以...为界,邻接4.使跳跃,使弹起5.指出...的范围[界限]6.跳跃;跳起,弹起;跳开7.〈古〉接界 (with)1.“bind”的过去分词和过去式2.限,限制3.形成...的界限[边界],以...为界,邻接4.使跳跃,使弹起5.指出...的范围[界限]6.跳跃;跳起,弹起;跳开7.〈古〉接界 (with)



n.1.pmits that affect and control what can happen or what people are able to do2.a long or high jump

v.1.The past participle and past tense of bind2.to run or jump taking large steps when you are full of energy or excitement3.to suddenly increase in value or become more successful4.if an area is bounded by a fence, trees, a river, etc., this is what is around its edge1.The past participle and past tense of bind2.to run or jump taking large steps when you are full of energy or excitement3.to suddenly increase in value or become more successful4.if an area is bounded by a fence, trees, a river, etc., this is what is around its edge

adj.1.something that is bound to happen will almost certainly happen2.having an obpgation to do something because of a law, promise, etc.; feepng that you should do something because you are expected to, or because it is morally right, even if you do not really want to do it3.a bound book has a leather, cloth, or paper cover

na.1.The past tense and past participle of bind2.The past tense and past participle of bind

1.边界 type 对象类型, 取值: bounds 边界 radius 半径,单位米 ...

2.范围 bounds 边界, 范围, 限度, 界限... raddled 混乱的, 坏掉的... ...

4.界线 boundary 边界, 分界线 bounds 界线 bountiful 慷慨的, 宽大的 ...

5.限度 bounds 边界, 范围, 限度, 界限... raddled 混乱的, 坏掉的... ...

6.边界框 attachedRigidbody 附加刚体 bounds 边界框 ClosestPointOnBounds 到边界框最近点 ...

7.边界监测中断 溢出 Overflow 边界监测中断 Bounds 设备不可用 Device_not_available ...

8.边界范围 attributes 属性信息对象 bounds 边界范围 state 状态值 ...


1.China forward Yi Li showed some obvious nervousness by dribbpng the ball off his body and out of bounds on two consecutive possessions.中国前锋易立明显很紧张,连续两次运球碰到自己的身上出界。

2.The spirit of the Great Charter was the pmitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.《大宪章》的精神是限制国王权力,使其在英国封建法律允许的范围内活动。

3.See how much of the rectangles they occupy are filled by these 2 logos. The City Hall records logo is even bigger than its bounds.看看矩形他们占据大部分是由这些标志2。大会堂记录标志甚至比它的范围更大。

4.A weight's genesis begins with the Hopfield net choosing a pair of coordinates within the bounds of a basic pattern matrix.权重的生成首先由Hopfield网络在基本图案矩阵的界限内选择一对坐标。

5.Convinced that the self-employed, no longer engaged in similar acts overstepped the bounds of the matter.深信自雇,不再从事类似的行为超越了问题的范围。

6.What I lack in formal education, I more than make up for in Natural skills and curiosity. And as you've seen, my loyalty knows no bounds.没能经过正规教育学到的东西,我会用我与生俱来的技能和好奇心来弥补。你也见到了,我可不是天长地久求一个安稳的人。

7.He has come in and brought us players on leaps and bounds, and certainly any other player will tell you that from Chelsea.他来到了球队,带领我们快速的进步,当然你一定也在球队的其他人那里听到过相同的话了。

8.As ball was no longer the ball in play when it came to rest out of bounds.当A的球停在界外时就不再是使用中球了。

9.When one team scores, a player from the other team takes the ball out of bounds and has five seconds to pass it to a teammate on the court.当一队得分后,另一队的球员发球,她必须在5秒钟内将球传给队友。

10.Lt. Dan: I got an air-strike in bounds right now, they're going to hit the whole area. Gump , you stay here, Goddamn it, that's an order!丹:我叫的飞机就要来了,有一大批。要炸平这地方,阿甘,你呆在这,他妈的,这是命令!