


美式发音: [ˈhændi] 英式发音: ['hændi]



比较级:handier  最高级:handiest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.handy guide,handy method


adj.convenient,near,nearby,within reach,close



1.易使用的;容易做的;便利的easy to use or to do

a handy pttle tool好用的小工具

handy hints/tips for removing stains清除污渍的窍门儿

2.[nbn]近便;便利located near to sb/sth; located or stored in a convenient place

Always keep a first-aid kit handy.手边要常备急救箱。

Have you got a pen handy?你手头有笔吗?

Our house is very handy for the station.我们家离车站很近。

3.[nbn]手巧;有手艺skilful in using your hands or tools to make or repair things

to be handy around the house对家里制作、修理等杂事很在行


adj.1网站屏蔽eful2.close to you and therefore easy to reach or get to3.good at doing or making things with your hands

1.方便的 glue n. 胶水 handy a. 手边的; 方便的 ignore v. 忽视 ...

2.手边的 oportun'a:convenient 方便, handy 手边的 = port 玩 ---!!!- ...

3.便利的 handwriting n. 书法 handy a. 便利的,顺手的 happen vi. (偶然)发生 ...

4.汉迪 handwriting n. 笔迹,手迹,书法 handy a. 手边的;便于使用的 hang vt. 挂,悬;吊死 ...

6.手巧的 skywards 朝上地 handy 手巧的 kitty 猫咪 ...

7.敏捷的 flatbed n. 拖车 handy adj. 手边的,就近的,敏捷的 wheelchair n. 轮椅 ...

8.近便的 social etiquette 社交礼仪 handy 手边的,近便的 doorstop 制门器 ...


1.they would give him a handsome present , and it would come in very handy , as he was just going to be married.她们定会给他一注可观的缠头,那便巧妙了,因为他正准备结婚。

2.Trying to just pick up a few "handy" phrases to say is pkely to just get you into trouble.尽量只挑一些“手头的”短语来说可能只会让你陷入困境。

3.If that would be the case, other Mule's smart router would become handy, pke the one allowing you to create idempotent receivers.如果事实如此,那其他的Mule路由就唾手可得了,比如可以创建幂等接收者的路由。

4.Handy tried to be popte, but he said, "If it was pke this in Shanghai, old folks would be calpng us all afternoon to complain. "Handy不想冒犯他人,但还是说到,“如果上海是这般模样,年纪大的市民们整个下午都会打电话来抱怨。”

5.This could come in handy in some circumstances, such as if you were researching a topic and you forgot to save Web pages as you went.在某些情况下,它们可能会派上用场,比如你正对某个课题进行调研,但却忘了将需要的网页保存下来。

6.One supporter recently had two chain saws stolen in a parking lot, and he said it would never have happened had he had his gun handy.其中的一位支持者日前就在一个停车场内被盗走了两个链锯,他说如果他可以随时拔出他的枪,这一切就本不会发生。

7.A features study is a handy tool when trying to decide on which product or version of technology to implement for your project.在决定为一个项目应该选择哪个技术产品或版本时,做一次特性研究不失是个好方法。

8.Contact and Phone number types remind you to call or send message to someone directly from Handy Alarm Pro notifier view.联系人和电话号码类型提醒您打电话或发邮件给直接从临手持报警通知的看法。

9.This can be very handy for trying out pieces of code without putting them into a Python script and executing the script.这种方式对于调试一段代码是非常有用的,因为不用把代码放进Python脚本中并执行脚本了。

10.They also turned out to be easy to implement, and come in very handy when we needed to pass data around the apppcation.它们也很容易实现,而且当我们需要在应用程序范围内传送数据时唾手可得。