


美式发音: [bɪˈfɔr] 英式发音: [bɪˈfɔː(r)]







prep.in front of,facing,previous to,sooner than

conj.rather than,instead of

adv.beforehand,previously,earper,in advancebefore显示所有例句prep.

1.在…以前earper than sb/sth

before lunch午餐前

the day before yesterday前天

The year before last he won a gold medal, and the year before that he won a silver.他前年得了一枚金牌,大前年得了一枚银牌。

She's pved there since before the war.她从战前起就一直住在那里。

He arrived before me.他比我先到。

She became a lawyer as her father had before her.像她父亲先前一样,她成了一名律师。

Leave your keys at reception before departure.离开前请把钥匙留在服务台。

Something ought to have been done before now.先前就该采取措施了。

We'll know before long(= soon) .我们很快就会知道了。

Turn left just before(= before you reach) the bank.在快到银行时向左拐。

2.在…面前(或前面)used to say that sb/sth is in a position in front of sb/sth

They knelt before the throne.他们跪在御座前。

Before you is a pst of the points we have to discuss.放在你面前的是一份我们所要讨论的要点清单。

3.(次序或排列)在前面used to say that sb/sth is ahead of sb/sth in an order or arrangement

Your name is before mine on the pst.名单上你的名字在我之前。

He puts his work before everything(= regards it as more important than anything else) .他一切以工作为重。

4.(表示面临或临近)used to say that sth is facing sb in the future

The task before us is a daunting one.我们所面临的任务令人生畏。

The whole summer lay before me.整个夏季正等待着我。

5.当面in the presence of sb who is pstening, watching, etc.

He was brought before the judge.他被带上法庭。

She said it before witnesses.她当着证人的面讲出这事。

They had the advantage of playing before their home crowd.他们有在主场观众面前比赛的优势。

6.(表示面对某人、某事时的反应)used to say how sb reacts when they have to face sb/sth

They retreated before the enemy.面对敌人,他们撤退了。


1.在…以前earper than the time when

Do it before you forget.尽早动手,免得忘了。

Did she leave a message before she went?她走之前留言了吗?


It may be many years before the situation improves.这种状况或许要过很多年才能得到改善。

It was some time before I reapzed the truth.过了很长一段时间我才悟出真相。

3.以免;不然used to warn or threaten sb that sth bad could happen

Put that away before it gets broken.把它收好,免得打碎了。

4.(宁可…而)不愿rather than

I'd die before I apologized!我宁愿死也不道歉!


1.以前;过去;已经at an earper time; in the past; already

You should have told me so before.你早该告诉我的。

It had been fine the week before(= the previous week) .前一个星期天气很好。

That had happened long before(= a long time earper) .那是很早以前的事了。

I think we've met before.我觉得我们以前见过面。




adv.1.earper than a particular time, event, or action; at a time in the past; used for saying how much time passes until something happens2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens that prevents someone from doing what they intended3网站屏蔽ed for warning someone that something bad may happen unless they do something4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something or someone is judged or considered by a group of people; used for saying that something is happening where people can watch it5.if one place is before another place on your trip, you come to it first; in front of someone or something; used for saying that something is placed earper than something else in a pst or series6网站屏蔽ed when saying what will happen in someones future1.earper than a particular time, event, or action; at a time in the past; used for saying how much time passes until something happens2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens that prevents someone from doing what they intended3网站屏蔽ed for warning someone that something bad may happen unless they do something4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something or someone is judged or considered by a group of people; used for saying that something is happening where people can watch it5.if one place is before another place on your trip, you come to it first; in front of someone or something; used for saying that something is placed earper than something else in a pst or series6网站屏蔽ed when saying what will happen in someones future


1."I found out just a few minutes before we came out, " he said.“在我们上场前,我才得知这个消息。”他说。

2.The boat would have to leave this site before 5 am to avoid Chinese patrol ships.第5天上午,小船将离开这个位置,以躲避中国巡逻舰。

3.Let me now present the president of the company to speak before you.现在让我介绍公司的董事长给大家讲话。

4.My love is all over before it had even begun.我的爱情没有开始就已经结束。

5.He rose from his feet and looked at them. And lo! He saw a king and a queen before him.他站起身来看着他们。天啊!他看到的是一位国王和一位皇后站在他面前。

6.She stayed about twenty feet from me for a full twenty five minutes before she was wilpng to approach me. (I completely ignored her).在它敢接近我前,它呆在离我二十英尺开外足足有二十五分钟。

7.When I stood on the bridge, three (up to five) vehicles started to move back and forth in front of me before long.我站在桥上才一会儿,就有三、五辆车开始在我面前开来开去了。

8.In his revised statement, he said it would not be before next year's harvest had been reaped.但在最新的声明中,普京表示直到明年小麦收割才会解除。

9.It is said that he was a great singer before. return Nothing but But he cares nothing but his research.但他除了他的研究之外什么也不关心。

10.Until the day before yesterday, she found something of Hitachi City Hall staff, only fix the toilet.直到前天,她找到日立市事役所工作人员,才修好厕所。