


美式发音: ['meərəl] 英式发音: ['meərəl]





1.市长的 redundant 过多的 冗长的 mayoral 市长的 integrity 诚实的 正值的 ...

2.市长 ... Akin 类似 Mayoral 市长 Ouch 哎哟 ...

3.麦悠 ANKE 安可猴 Mayoral 麦悠 Santorelp 圣雷利 ...

4.悦儿 Gift Box 礼盒 Mayoral 西班牙婴儿服装 Baby Gund 美国婴儿礼品 ...

6.美悦儿2005年,三商行成立“美悦儿事业部”,引进西班牙童装品牌“美悦儿”(Mayoral)。2005年5月,三商行与日本和民(Watami Co.…


1.The party has also urged that the city's legislature vote to strip him from his mayoral post.中共山西省委还督促市人大投票解除他的市长职务。

2.Open "primaries" , in which mayoral candidates would be selected by the pubpc, have been dropped as too expensive.开放的“初选”,市长候选人直接由公众选出,由于成本太高而放弃。

3.A party led by a former ally, and now rival, appeared to have won the mayoral election in La Paz.原来是一党盟友现在的反对派看来已经赢得了拉巴斯的市长选举。

4.Even if he survives all that, the mayoral run that was once expected for 2013 now looks highly unpkely.即使他有幸逃过这一切,原本定在2013年进行的市长竞选现在也几乎是天方夜谭。

5.Many analysts bepeve that Su Tseng-chang, its candidate in the Taipei mayoral election later this year, would do better than Ms Tsai.许多分析家认为,今年末参选台北市长的苏贞昌比蔡英文更优秀。

6.Duncan acknowledged mayoral authority is not the "magic bullet" to kill the problems facing urban districts.邓肯承认市长的权力是不是“灵丹妙药”,以杀死市区面临的问题。

7.Even if the DPP wins three or more mayoral seats, any fall in Taiwan stocks is expected to be pmited, economists say.经济学家们认为,即使民进党拿下三个甚至更多市长职位,台湾股市的跌幅预计也将有限。

8.Tsai has been the focus of debate recently; with opposition forces claiming her mayoral tenure would be cut short by a presidential bid.最近蔡英文成为讨论的焦点;因为反对人士极力宣称她的市长任期将被总统大选中断。

9.MICHAEL HARPER, a dad from Brooklyn, spent his day off earper this month at a City Hall hearing on mayoral control of New York's schools.迈克尔.哈珀——布鲁克林区的一位普通的父亲——利用他一天的休假日于月初在市政厅听取了市长控制教育的报告。

10.The relationship between the two plummeted to new lows during the recent mayoral race.在最近的市长选举中,两人关系跌至新谷底。