



美式发音: [beɡ] 英式发音: [beɡ]



过去式:begged  第三人称单数:begs  现在分词:begging  搭配同义词

v.+n.beg pardon,beg help,beg favor

v.ask for,request,plead,sopcit,supppcate


v.1.请(原谅);请(允许)2.乞求,请求;恳请3.讨(饭)4.(议论等)回避(问题)5.乞求,恳请 (for)6.讨饭,行乞1.请(原谅);请(允许)2.乞求,请求;恳请3.讨(饭)4.(议论等)回避(问题)5.乞求,恳请 (for)6.讨饭,行乞

v.1.to ask for help, an opportunity, etc. in a way that shows you want it very much; to ask for something in a way that shows you are not proud2.to ask people for money or food, usually because you are very poor3.if a dog begs, it sits and holds up its two front feet as a way of asking for food

1.哭着乞求 yadi. observes 保护、遵守 rajaka.begs 乞讨、乞求 (denom.the evil one 魔、 ...

3.回避 ... beauty U 美,美丽;C美人,美的东西 begs 回避 carbon 碳;复写纸;抄本 ...

4.请求 pleads vi. 辩护, 恳求 begs v. 请求, 乞求 gook n. 对韩国人, 日本人, 菲律宾人的蔑称 ...


1."I need to see them more, " he tells me, "Please Liz, " he begs, but I'm hard and determined to his face.“我要多见他们”,戴维对我讲,“求你了,丽兹”,但我却决心已下,硬起心肠对他。

2."To the extent that there has been a real improvement, " Wexler added, "it begs the question: What took so long? "“达到真正改善的程度,”Wexler补充说“一个被回避的问题是:为什么这么久?”

3.But that only begs the question of why financial reform has not been higher on the agenda of the president and Democratic leaders.但这就带出一个问题:为何金融改革没有在总统和民主党领导人的议程上占据更靠前的位置?

4.When he finally returns to her, he begs her forgiveness, offering to leave without protest if she wishes.他到家后,马上向他的妻子乞求原谅,表示如果她希望,他将无条件的离开。

5.His mother begs Mu Chen to leave him and the latter has no choice but to do so.光晞的母亲请求慕橙离开光晞而慕橙别无选择只好答应。

6.This all begs the question of how we can be more satisfied with material purchases, other than simply trying to avoid all the above.除了简单避免以上所有情况外,这(事实上)回避了我们要怎么做才能更满足于物质消费这个问题的实质。

7.The thought of a hundred elephants-worth of water suspended in the sky begs another question - what keeps it up there?一想到100头大象那么重的水悬在空中,你不得不考虑另一个问题——是什么让它牢牢的挂在天空中的呢?

8."You've got to help me, " Lincoln begs Pope as he stands shackled in the warden's office.“你必须得帮帮我,”Lincoln戴着全副镣铐站在狱长办公室内向Pope求情。

9.That description begs the question of how the system manages to load drivers for all the hardware in the computer.那个描述引出了这样的问题:系统如何管理在一个计算机中的所有硬件的驱动装载。

10.of the young man begs the questions: Does the attitude reflect the thinking of the majority of young Singaporeans or just a handful?或许有人会问,这个青年的心态,是否正反映了新加坡大多数年轻人的想法?或者只是少数人。