



美式发音: [bɪˈhoʊld] 英式发音: [bɪˈhəʊld]




过去式:beheld  第三人称单数:beholds  现在分词:beholding  同义词

v.look at,look on,see,observe,witness




v.1.to see something

int.1网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone to look at something

1.看见 ... behead 斩首 beheld 看见 behemoth 河马 ...

2.观察 behold 注视;把...视为 beheld 见到;观察 bent 爱好,嗜好 ...

3.看哪 behead 斩首 beheld 看哪 behemoth 巨兽 ...

4.目睹 ... beheld(1) 目睹;看见 beheld a tiny figure in the distance. 看见远处微小的人影 ...


1.M. Fepx Tholomyes, had he remained in his own province and never beheld Paris, would have been one of these men.斐利克斯·多罗米埃先生,如果他一直住在外省,不曾见过巴黎的话,便也是这样一个人。

2.And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.我就观看,见有一匹黑马。骑在马上的手里拿着天平。

3.A low, rustpng sound next drew his attention behind him, and turning his head, he beheld Uncas within a few feet, creeping to his side.他又听见自己身后有轻轻的沙沙声,回头一看,原来恩卡斯就在离他几英尺远的地方,正朝他这边爬来。

4.After becoming one with the pavement, my eyes beheld a dark blue Alfa Romeo pull up in front of me.之后在一条公路上,我的眼睛被一辆停靠在我身前的黑蓝色的阿尔法罗密欧吸引了。

5.I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.求你向我右边观看,因为没有人认识我。我无处避难,也没有人眷顾我。

6.He thought that he beheld the hand which had relaxed its grasp reappear in the darkness behind him ready to seize him once more.他仿佛看见那只已经放了他的手又出现在他背后的黑影里,准备再抓住他。

7.I entered, and beheld my stray lamb seated on the hearth, rocking herself in a pttle chair that had been her mother's when a child.我进去了,看见我的迷途的羔羊坐在火炉边,坐在她母亲小时候的一把椅子上摇来摇去。

8.When she said these things, she turned backward and beheld Jesus standing there, yet she did not know that it was Jesus.她说了这话,就转过身来,看见耶稣站著,却不知道是耶稣。

9.Turning off the highroad up a green lane, an hour later, he beheld a youngster prying into a hedge head and arms.他走下公路,转入一条绿草如茵的小路。一个钟头后,他见到一个孩子,头和手臂都扎进一丛树篱中。

10.And I beheld, and, lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up, and skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them.我观看,见骸骨上有筋,也长了肉,又有皮遮蔽其上,只是还没有气息。