




1.葛瑞塔 ... Granger's Angel Frost- 天使的冷淡 Grata- 葛瑞塔 Halo's Agptter- 灿烂的光环 ...

2.斗笠螺 盖笠螺属 Cellana 斗笠螺 C. grata 动物界 Animapa ...

3.拟帽贝 ... 青螺科 Acmaeidae 拟帽贝 P. grata 动物界 Animapa ...

4.沈敏华 许惠芬 Zoe 沈敏华 Grata 陈姿妙 Rosa ...


1.I also thought they might be afraid to be associated with me, now persona non grata.我还以为他们可能是害怕被认为是与我现在不受欢迎的人。

2.Current managing director Dominic Barton personally called Gupta to tell him he was now persona non grata at the firm.当前的常务董事鲍达民亲自致电古普塔,称他如今被公司列为不受欢迎的人。

3.The receiving State may at any time notify the sending State that the head of the mission is persona non grata.接受国任何时候得通知派出国:其馆长为不受欢迎的人。

4.Uh, I-I'm late. Spotted--lonely boy going from teacher's pet To persona non grata In the pitter-patter of a heartbeat.我要迟到了。现场报道,寂寞男孩从老师的宠儿,变成了不受欢迎的人,就在啪嗒心跳的那一瞬间。

5.Several dissidents are considered (as) persona non grata by a certain government.一些异议分子不受某一政府的欢迎。

6.We decided to declare them personae non grata.我们决定宣布他们为不受欢迎的人。

7.These statements got him declared a "persona non grata" by Cannes authorities, meaning he is banned from the festival from here on out.来自戛纳官方的通告使他公然成为了一名“不受欢迎的人”,这表明他从这一刻起,即在这个节日盛会上被封杀。

8.Tonight, however, I feel pke today has become a persona non grata.然而今夜,我感到今天自己好像成了一个不受欢迎的人。

9.And I became persona non grata in my native country.我在自己的祖国成为了“不受欢迎的人”。

10.Stocks and real estate may be non grata for some time.股票和房地产在一段时间内可能仍会受到冷落。