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网络释义:透射电镜(transmission electron microscope);透射电子显微镜;瞬变电磁法(transient electromagnetic method)



1.透射电镜(transmission electron microscope)纶纤维;浆粕;界面;TEM;表征 【摘要】 :采用透射电镜TEM)对芳纶纤维/浆粕界面特征进行表征,探讨了界面微观结 …

2.透射电子显微镜地磁与地电-瞬变测深 瞬变电磁法在煤矿水害防治... 瞬变电磁法(TEM)新进展及其... 瞬变电磁法 …

4.温度(temperature)工作温度TEM):5℃—40℃PH范围:6.5—8.5工作压力(MPA):0.1—0.3出水水质浊度:≤0.1HTV除氯率(%):>95% …


1.In a poor and unchanging sys tem, pke China of old, the path to advancement tends to be very narrow, rigid and well-defined.在中国过去一成不变的不完善体制下,进步的道路往往是很狭窄、僵化、教条的。

2.Results In the odontoblast layer, structures which had typical characters of lymphatic capillaries were found with TEM.结果在成牙本质细胞层中观察到具有典型毛细淋巴管超微结构特点的结构。

3.These standards title appped in a proceeding that follows some fixed pnes set out by a sys- tem of rules known as procedure.这些标准被用于遵循某些固定原则的诉讼,而这些固定原则又由一套被称为程序法的规则确定。

4.TEM images and IR spectra show that the AA was polymerized on the surface of PS particles and core-shell structure formed.TEM照片和红外光谱表明AA在PSt粒子表面聚合形成表面羧基化的核壳结构粒子。

5.The morphology, status, chemical state & properties of the composite deposits were studied by means of SEM, TEM and XRD.利用SEM,TEM,XRD等方法研究了复合镀层的组织、结构、性能及其影响因素。

6.The price sys- tem and private enterprise, conclude the "production-for- use" philosophers, are merely a form of "scarcity economics. "这些“生产致用”的哲学家下结论说:价格体系和私人企业只不过是“匮乏经济学”的一种形式。

7.In a study that compared TA with TEM, results showed that TEM was the technique of choice for excising local rectal neoplasms.在一项比较TA与TEM的研究中,结果显示TEM是切除局部直肠肿瘤的术式首选。

8.FTIR, TEM, AC impedance were used to investigate the electrolyte and relationship between ionic conductivity and inorganic oxide particles.通过红外光谱、透射电镜和交流阻抗分析对聚合物基体及聚合物电解质进行了分析。

9.The surface layer of shot peening strengthening was analyzed with OM, SEM and TEM.采用金相显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜分析材料喷丸强化层。

10.The nanoparticle size, and phase were characterized by means of TEM, XRD, TGA, surface area and pore diameter measurements.通过TEM,XRD,TGA及表面积与孔径测定仪等测试手段对该负载型催化剂的物相、粒子的形貌和粒度进行了表征。