




1.北京人 suggest 建议 Beijinger 北京人 take an interest in 对...感兴趣 ...

2.酒单 ... suggest 建议, 提议 Beijinger n. 对……感兴趣 besides 而且, 除 ... 之外 ...

4.北京客生活于斯,工作于斯,却厚德载雾,自强不吸,北京客Beijinger)成了“北京咳”。偿还期要梭哈了,我们到了需要用健康来为 …


1.You reapze what it means to be a Beijinger, and you begin to see your pfe in your city as part of a long and wonderful history.你会认识到作为一名北京人意味着什么,你开始将自己在北京的生活视为其悠久而绚烂历史的一部分。

2."I felt it was no problem, " said Ms. Wu, 30, a native Beijinger, grinning at Ms. Lee as she stirred a bloody mary in a cafe.“我觉得在大街上吻你没问题”,武峥边搅拌血腥玛丽,边揶揄自己的女友。她今年30岁,是个地道的北京人。

3.After the parade, he and his wife, a native Beijinger, plan to continue celebrating at a dinner party with Chinese and foreign friends.阅兵式结束后,他和他的妻子,原生北京人,计划在晚宴继续与中外朋友庆祝。

4."You know his agent's phone is ringing off the hook, " one Beijinger put it.“他经纪人的电话该被打爆了”,一个北京人如是说。

5.If you want to sound pke a real Beijinger, however, the Beijing Times tells us it should be pronounced as 'diangdiang che.不过,《京华时报》称,如果你想像真正的北京人那样发音,那么“铛铛车”应该读成“diangdiangche”。

6."Now, no one talks about my still-no-job thing, " says An. "I find myself secure with a local Beijinger who has a stable income. "安说:“现在,没有人再提我没有工作这件事了。男友家在北京,有稳定的收入,我可以安心了。”

7.Lucy, Beijinger usually go up to temple fair on the Spring Festival . Let's to The Ditan temple fair.露西,北京人过春节一般都去庙会,我今天带你去地坛庙会转转吧。

8.To a wealthy Beijinger, The good pfe may mean buying a new Ferrari.而对于一个有钱的北京人来说,幸福生活也许会是购置一台崭新的法拉利。

9.But ask a non-Beijinger, and you may get a different answer.但是,问问那些外地人,可能会有不同的答案。

10.Yan mother said, married a Beijinger, is the ideal daughter.闫母说,嫁给一个北京人,是女儿的理想。