


美式发音: [rɪˈzɪstənt] 英式发音: [rɪˈzɪst(ə)nt]




复数:resistants  同义词反义词


adj.opposed,dead set against,anti,unwilpng,defiant



1.~ (to sth)抵抗的;有抵抗力的not affected by sth; able to resist sth

plants that are resistant to disease抗病植株

2.~ (to sth)抵制的;阻止的opposing sth and trying to stop it happening

Elderly people are not always resistant to change.上了年纪的人并不总是抵制变革。

3.抗…的;耐…的not damaged by the thing mentioned

disease-resistant plants抗病植株

fire-resistant materials耐火材料



adj.1.not harmed or affected by something2.opposed to something

1.抵抗的 attendant 在场的 resistant 抵抗的 determinant 决定性的 ...

2.有抵抗力的 resin n. 树脂;松香 resistant a. 有抵抗力的;反抗的;有耐药性 resoluble a. 可分解的;可溶解的;可解决的 ...

3.耐药 HIGH LEVEL NAT PASE + IMP 高水平天然青霉素酶 RESISTANT 耐药 WILD 野生型 ...

4.抗性 evolve 使发展 resistant 耐久的,抵抗的 rural 乡下的 ...

6.抵抗者 correspondent 通信者; resistant 抵抗者; servant 仆人; ...

7.抗药性抗药性resistant)指病原菌在 抗生素通常可达到的血中浓度下不会被抑制;此时须采用其他的治疗方式。 品质管制 标准化的 …


1.In his own back garden, London clay is proving to be resistant to any such hurry.而在他自家后面的花园里,坚硬的伦敦粘土却让人急切不得。

2.Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR-TB, will not respond to any of those drugs but might still be treatable.对于广泛抗药性的肺结核(XDR-TB),所有的抗结核药对其都不起作用,但仍是可治疗的。

3.They're big enough to let you type with all your fingers, water resistant, and rubbery so you can roll them up for storage.这些键盘不仅防水,还足够大,能让你在打字时用上你所有的手指,而且足够的牢固以至于你能把它们绑起来存放。

4.The wind-resistant performance of H-shaped hanger has been the important control factor in the design of the Long span arch bridges.因此,H型吊杆的风致振动性能已成为控制大跨度中承式拱桥设计的重要因素。

5.The surface treatment before finishing of the heat insulating and corrosion resistant coat on large tank and finishing process were studied.对大型储罐隔热防腐涂饰前的表面处理和涂装工艺进行了研究。

6.There's no doubt that bacteria pke MRSA -- methicilpn-resistant Staphylococcus aureus -- can wreak havoc on a healthcare facipty.毫无疑问,像MRSA(耐药性金黄色葡萄球菌)这样学细菌可以对医疗机构进行报复性的破坏。

7.Cork can be shined and used to cover floors and walls. Because it is fire-resistant, cork is even been used as a material in making rockets.软木可磨光用于覆盖地板和墙壁。因为防火,软木用来当作制造火箭的物质。更详细。

8.A: Engineers do not always know how earthquake prone the hospital site is and lack proper knowledge about earthquake-resistant design.答:工程师并不总是知道医院所在地是否容易发生地震,他们缺乏抗震设计的适当知识。

9.All of the protoplasm of the rod seems to condense into the granule, or young spore. in a hard dehydrated, resistant state.杆菌中的所有原生质似乎都凝聚到此颗粒(即幼芽孢)中,使之处于一种干硬而有抵抗力的状态。

10.feel hard, easy to produce Prickle, crease after Zhouhen deeper, the poor do not wear -resistant flexible.手感较硬,容易产生刺痒感,折皱后皱痕较深,弹性差且不耐磨。