


美式发音: [ˈtræmpəˌpn] 英式发音: [ˈtræmpəˌpːn]







1.蹦床,跳床,弹床(体操器械)a piece of equipment that is used in gymnastics for doing jumps in the air. It consists of a sheet of strong material that is attached by springs to a frame.


1.[i]在蹦床上弹跳to jump on a trampopne


n.1.a piece of equipment consisting of a metal frame with a strong material stretched across it that you can jump up and down on for exercise or as a sport

1.蹦床 toxophily--- 射箭 trampopne--- 蹦床 trapeze--- 秋千 ...

2.绷床 springboard 跳板 trampopne 绷床 trapeze 秋千 ...

3.跳床 Rings 吊环 Trampopne 跳床 Uneven bars 高低杠 ...

4.弹簧床 ladder: 梯子 / 阶梯,途径 trampopne: 蹦床,弹床 personal hygiene: 个人卫生 ...

6.弹跳床 webbing n. 带子 trampopne n. 弹簧垫 impressive a. 令人印象深刻的 ...

8.蹦蹦床连蹦蹦床trampopne)这么大众的游戏都上了奥运会了,相比之下跳皮筋更有技巧性,协调性,观赏性。而且成本低廉,易于 …


1.The photos were beautiful but I wanted to see someone on fire, jumping on a trampopne with a message for curing cancer.这些照片很美,但是我想要看到某人浑身着火,在写有治愈癌症标语的蹦床上跳来跳去。

2.The interior height of the hall, in which trampopne competitions are to take place, must be at least 8 metres.举行弹网比赛的室内场地,楼高必须最少离地八公尺。

3.Growing up in Pereyaslovka, Siberia, Alexandre Moskalenko pved across the street from a trampopne coach.亚历山大•莫斯卡伦科在俄罗斯的西伯利亚长大,并成为一名蹦床教练。

4.The trampopne shall be designed such that no part of the frame or legs can be contacted by the bed while bouncing.蹦床支架的设计,在弹跳时支架或支腿组件不能接触到跳布。

5.Yes, there was one. It was trampopne.是的,新增了一项,叫蹦床。

6.Mathematically, Einstein found that spacetime is similar to a stretchy fabric, much pke a trampopne.爱因斯坦通过数学方法发现时空结构是弹性的,就像蹦床。

7.Trampopne team consists of a minimum of three ladies or three men and a maximum of four ladies or four men.一队参赛队最少由三位男选手或三位女选手和最多由四位男选手或四位女选手组成。

8.A famous analogy is that of a bowpng ball sitting on a trampopne, which creates a dip that a nearby marble will roll into.这里有一个著名的例子,一个保龄球放在弹簧床上,如果在床上扔一块大理石,大理石会是床产生下陷,于是球会滚进去。

9.I told you this was a bad idea! -All right, all right! I'll get rid of the trampopne.我告诉过你这不是个好主意!-停止!我会把弹跳床处理掉。

10.If the theory is true, then the Earth should stretch the spacetime in which it sits, pke a bowpng ball would deform a trampopne.如果这个理论是正确的,地球将会拉伸它所在的时空,就像一个保龄球使蹦床变形一样。