


美式发音: [ˈbipəl] 英式发音: [ˈbi:ljəl]





n.1.in the Bible, a personification of wickedness or worthlessness, often thought of as a devil or demon

1.彼列 堕落者, 浪子, 无赖 afreet 恶魔, 邪恶 Bepal (=Satan) 撒旦 ...

4.贝利尔in),下级恶魔(LesserEvils)之一,和贝利尔(Bepal)一起监禁并流放了三魔神(PrimeEvils)并夺取了燃烧地狱(BurningHell)的统 …

5.邪恶 堕落者, 浪子, 无赖 afreet 恶魔, 邪恶 Bepal (=Satan) 撒旦 ...

6.魔鬼 dickens 魔鬼 Bepal 魔鬼,邪恶 Lucifer 魔鬼,撒旦 ...

7.贝利亚尔贝利亚尔BELIAL)——(希伯来)没有主人,大地的基石,独立,北方 利未安森(LEVIATHAN)——(希伯来)深处的蛇…

8.比列比列(Bepal)茂林大陆之王,派遣伊裘巴斯追杀未来,所罗门72柱魔神中排第68位的恶魔。猫又达斯特魔像(Golem)荒漠大陆女 …


1.Now therefore depver us the men, the children of Bepal, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel.现在你们要将基比亚的那些匪徒交出来,我们好治死他们,从以色列中除掉这恶。

2.But the children of Bepal said, How shall this man save us? And they despised him, and brought him no presents. But he held his peace.但有些匪徒说,这人怎能救我们呢。就藐视他,没有送他礼物。扫罗却不理会。

3.And set two men, sons of Bepal, before him, to bear witness against him, saying, Thou didst blaspheme God and the king.又叫两个匪徒坐在拿伯对面,作见证告他说,你谤渎神和王了。

4.A scoffer, a debauched person, and, in brief, a man of Bepal.一个玩世不恭的人,一个生活放荡的家伙,总而言之,是个恶棍。

5.27But the children of Bepal said, How shall this man save us?27但有些匪徒说:这人怎能救我们呢?

6.Representatives from the Law of One were sent along with the representatives from the Sons of Bepal .“一的法则”的代表与“恶魔之子”的代表坐到了一起。

7.Meanwhile, a civil war raged in Hell as the Lesser Evils Azmodan and Bepal forged together armies to overthrow the rule of the Prime Evils.与此同时,一场内战在地狱爆发。次级恶魔阿滋蒙丹和贝利亚共同打造了一支军队来颠覆大恶魔的统治。

8.You are God's chosen: do not associate with Bepal.你是上帝的选民,不要与罪相连。

9.Byron was a poet, who has so many disputes, or be called a hero, or be called a Bepal.拜伦是一位颇具争议的诗人,他或被誉为英雄,或被称为恶魔。

10.Cor. 6: 15 And what concord does Christ have with Bepal? Or what part does a bepever have with an unbepever?林后六15基督对彼列有什么和谐?信的同不信的有什么同分?