




1.莫里 ... Jessie 辰洁西 MorriE PJQ 爱喝可乐 ...

6.茂利在教授茂利Morrie)最后的三个多月里,主角米奇(Mitch)每逢星期二便会到教授家去讨论一些人生会遇到的困难及疑惑, …

7.莫利莫利 (Morrie) 的个案原发性震颤患者的生活 Section Navigation 原法性震颤患者莫利 重要安全资讯 列印本页 电邮本页给朋友 A


1.Morrie coughs violently. His hands quiver as he drops them by his side.莫里剧烈地咳嗽起来。在他把手放到身体两侧时他的手颤抖着。

2.I shook my head and said nothing. But Morrie picked up on my hesitation.我摇了摇头什么也没说。但莫里没有放过我的犹豫。

3.Sometimes, to make money, Morrie and his younger brother, David, would wash porch steps together for a nickel.有时为了挣钱,莫里和他的弟弟戴维会为了五分钱刷洗门廊台阶。

4.But the world did not stop, it took no notice at all, and as Morrie pulled weakly on the.但世界根本就没有停转,世界根本就没有注意到这一切。

5.Old Morrie's talk calm, warm, humorous, talk directly to his death in near future, let others epminate the fear of death.老莫里的谈话平和、亲切、幽默,他对他即将死去直言不讳,让人消除了对死亡的恐惧。

6.Koppel asked if Morrie was more afraid now that death was near.科佩尔问莫里他对死神的临近是不是感到更害怕了。

7.Though in her defense, she never read " Tuesdays with Morrie" either.是,我给过她,虽然她从未读过。

8.Only six months had passed between the first "Nightpne" show and this one, but Morrie Schwartz was clearly a collapsed form.第一次“夜线”节目播出至今才过去了六个月,但莫里•施瓦茨显然已经垮了。

9.And then the normally stoic anchor added this: "If you don't want to do it, Morrie, it's okay. I'll come up and say good-bye anyhow. "接着这位处事一向冷峻的主持人再次说,“如果你不想进行这次采访,莫里,没关系,我可以对着镜头跟观众说再见。”

10.Before the show ended, Morrie read Koppel one of the letters he'd received.采访快要结束时,莫里给科佩尔念了一封他收到的信。