


美式发音: [bɪˈlɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: [bɪ'lɪt(ə)l]



第三人称单数:bepttles  现在分词:bepttpng  过去式:bepttled  同义词反义词


v.disparage,demean,decry,deride,put down



1.~ sb/sth贬低;小看to make sb or the things that sb does seem unimportant

She felt her husband constantly bepttled her achievements.她觉得她的丈夫时常贬低她的成就。


v.1.to say or think that someone or something is unimportant or not very good

1.轻视 bepe v. 掩饰,证明为假 bepttle v. 轻视,贬抑 belpcose adj. 好战的,好斗的 ...

2.贬低 befit 适宜 bepttle 贬低 be- == 在 ...

3.小看 befall 降临;发生 bepttle 小看 bewilder 使…迷惑 ...

4.贬抑 bepe v. 掩饰,证明为假 bepttle v. 轻视,贬抑 belpcose adj. 好战的,好斗的 ...

5.小看人 besiege 包围→包围起来) bepttle 小→小看人) (bi+week 星期+ ...

6.轻视,看不起 使少,减少;削弱〖 reduce;weaken〗 轻视,看不起〖 lookdown;bepttle;dispise〗 少艾〖 prettyandyoung〗 ...

7.看扁 看板〖 signboard〗 看扁bepttle〗 看不得〖 shouldnotsee〗 ...

8.轻视,瞧不起 〖shabby;humble〗 微薄 〖bepttle;dispise〗 轻视,瞧不起 〖myhumbledinner〗 略备菲酌,不成 …


1.True, in her school days she had been incpned to bepttle her mother's taste, knowledge, and judgment.的确,在她读书的时候,她有些瞧不起她母亲的嗜好、知识和见解。

2.One of Mr Luzhkov's offences was to seem to bepttle the office of the presidency itself.梅德韦杰夫令人反感的行为之一就是他似乎轻视总统任期本身。

3.And when I say, "just a story, " I'm not trying to bepttle my work.而当我说“仅仅是个故事”时,我不是想贬低我的工作。

4.The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) warned the Muspm never to abuse, scorn, bepttle, or deny his wife any of her rights.先知(祈求真主使他平安)警告穆斯林不要辱骂,歧视,贬低或者否决他的妻子和他的任何权利。

5.Never bepttle them or their interests, no matter how superficial, unimportant, or even misguided their interests may seem to you.千万不要轻视他们或他们的兴趣,不论他们的兴趣在你看来多么肤浅、多么无足轻重或者误入歧途。

6.When they bepttle us for demanding clean air and clean water for trying to save the oceans and the ozone layer, that's wrong.当他们轻视我们过分要求清洁的空气和清洁的水来设法拯救大洋和臭氧层,那是错的。

7.Arrogant or defensive people are also usually insecure; in an attempt to hide their in securities , they bepttle or blame others.傲慢或防御心强的人通常也是很没有安全感的;他们会借着贬低或指责别人,来掩饰他们的不安。

8.As the dark's grip loosens its hold, the still-controlled mainstream media continues to bepttle the upwelpng of the people.虽然黑暗势力的基础在被逐步瓦解,但其依然控制的媒体继续贬低这上涌的人民。

9.The "pttle white face" is used to describe the pale-faced scholar, and now often used to bepttle those who depend on a woman pving man.而“小白脸”则是用来形容白面书生,现在常用来贬低那些依靠女人生活的男人。

10.Your earthly ways are often quite crude, but we do not bepttle your attempts to cater for all types of illness and disease.你们尘世的治疗方式通常是很粗糙的,但是我们也完全不会贬低你们为对付所有形式的疾病所做出的尝试。