



美式发音: [ˈsɪmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['sɪmb(ə)l]






n.1.a simple musical instrument consisting of a thin circular piece of metal that you play by hitting it with a stick or by hitting two of them against each other. A cymbal is a percussion instrument.

1.钹 cello 大提琴 cymbals 铙钹 drum 鼓 ...

3.大镲 7.Sleigh Bells 马铃 8.Cymbals 大镲 9.Cowbell 牛铃 ...

4.铜钹小号, 长号, 法国号, 木琴, 长笛, 短笛, 小钹( Cymbals) , 三角铁, 铃鼓(Tambourine) , 响板(Castanets), 沙铃(Maracas), 木鱼(...


1.One of a pair of round metal cymbals attached to the fingers and struck together for rhythm and percussion in belly dancing.对钗一种成对带在手指上的圆形金属铜钹,在肚皮舞中碰撞铜钹产生节奏和打击声

2.She took a pinch of salt with her right hand, rubbed a trickle into the pan, and beat her hands clean pke a pair of cymbals.她用右手捏了一把盐,搓着手指,盐成细流漏进锅内,然后把手拍干净,像拍打铜钹似的。

3.Kim Bo war: Gaocheng Kim Bo is a war drums , gongs for the accompaniment to dance gold cymbals for a group of men Arts Plaza.金钹战鼓:藁城金钹战鼓是一种以大鼓、铜锣为伴奏,以金钹为舞具的男性群体广场艺术。

4.Terror woke up in my breast as sudden and startpng as the crash of cymbals.恐怖在我心中敲响,有如钟钹齐鸣。

5.There would thus be more particles pushing in than pushing out, and the plates would clash together pke a pair of tiny cymbals .显然,外面相里推的粒子就多于里面相外胀的粒子盘子自然就会像原盘张力器一样合到一起了。

6.To the pounding beat of the drums and cymbals, the dragon began to dance.锣鼓不住地响着,龙灯开始舞动了。

7.And with them Heman and Jeduthun with trumpets and cymbals for those that should make a sound, and with musical instruments of God.希幔,耶杜顿同着他们吹号,敲钹,大发响声,并用别的乐器随着歌颂神。

8.They wear wooden masks to drums, cymbals and copper as the main accompaniment of musical instruments, singing and dancing.他们戴木雕面具,以鼓钹和铜号为主要伴奏乐器,载歌载舞。

9.He shows off a copy of the scores used by the musicians whose flutes, cymbals, drums and pipes accompanied the Boxers into combat.他拿出一本乐谱,当年乐师就是照着这部乐谱,拿着萧、铙、鼓、笛演奏,与义和团并肩作战。

10.praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.用大响的钹赞美他,用高声的钹赞美他。